chapter 9

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[ Ariana Grande - 34+35 ( Christmas version) ]


After Niall's wedding, last month dad keeps me busy with works and works. You guys must be wondering if my plan to get Lucas's attention is still going on or not.

well, the answer is, YES!

I made breakfast and sent it to his office and I even leave a card with no name. I am too scared to expose myself to him yet but don't worry I will tell him that it is me who sent him breakfast every day. I already know what is his last name, is Lucas Santiago. Even his name is hot. It's been two weeks since I started all this and yes I am not regretting anything. I want to find myself a perfect one and to be honest, I am tired to wait for a guy to come and confess feeling for me which is I know it's not going to happen that fast. 

I am in my office doing my work as usual and then, I got a phone call from my dad. "Another work?" I said before picking up the call. "Yes, dad. Don't say you have another work for me, I am super exhausted, and let me breathe for once."

"No, Gia. I didn't call you because I want to give you more works, but I call you because I want you to join the lunch meeting with me and a few of my clients. I will send you the location." He said and I sigh.

"But da-"

"No more but, I want you to join because you are part of this thing too. I'll see you later." With that, he hangs up. I put my phone on the table and continue my work which is never finished. I look at the time and my eyes wide when I know I'm already late. 

"Shit!" I said to myself and get up and take my handbags and a few files in case I need it. I walk up at full speed to the lift. I open my phone and see there are no calls or messages from dad. I am dead, he might be furious waiting for me and I know I am deadly dead. 

I never drive this fast and this is my first time. I parked my car and makes my way to the restaurant and I ask the waiter to bring me to where my dad is and she leads the way. I look at the time, and I am late by fifteen minutes. The waiter opens the door of the private room and all eyes on me now. "I am sorry, I didn't mean to be late." I look at my dad and he didn't even bother to look up because he's mad, of course. I thank the waiter and walk to the empty seat which is next to my dad. I sit awkwardly there and the meeting just keeps going and going. I look around and then, I see HIM. I am bored but then the moment I saw Lucas, I think I can stay at this meeting for another two hours.

I am trying to concentrate but with Lucas in this room, I cannot keep my eyes off him. I also can't stop smiling like a madwoman. Who can stop smiling when their crush is in front of their eyes.

After a few hours, the meeting finally over. I smile and stand up to shake hands with all of them and of course with Lucas too. I wait to shake hands with him but he just talks to my dad and then leaves the room without looking at me. 

Did I sad?


Did I mad?

No! Because these are the obstacles I need to face if I want his attention. It will take time but it worth it. I take my handbag and ready to leave but my dad stopped me. "I need an explanation why did you late?" I gulp and take a seat back,

"Well, I am sorry dad. I didn't mean it. I just too occupied with the work at the office and I didn't realize the time." I said and it's true though. 

"Next time, be punctual BUT if you don't have to come to this kind of meeting anymore." I am about to say something when I realize what he said. Didn't it's a good thing?

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