Chapter 37

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"So, what you said inside is all true?" I ask him after our little kiss.

"Which one?"

"That you love me," I said and he looks away.

"Do you come here with your car?" He asks me obviously changing the topic.

"No, I told Brandon to send me here,"

"Come on, let's get you home," He said and walk to his car. I can say he didn't want to tell me that he loves me yet but that situation makes him said it. I smile at it and get into the passenger seat. "Are you really didn't mad at me?" He asks me while driving.

"To be honest, I am mad at you and I do want to ignore you but I can't do that. If I do that, I will just hurt myself and I don't want that," I look at him and see his face turn into something like a guilty face and regret. "You know, you have to think about that witch. Like when you want her to go to another country, but the thing is, she is broke and I don't think she will go anywhere." I said to him. I want her to disappear from my life now but the problem is, I don't think she has enough money to go anywhere, not even Seattle. So, I guess I still have to see her face around here somewhere.

"Don't worry, I will handle that,"

"How? By giving her the money?" I ask and I know that is the only way that he can think. Well, everyone will think the same too. "I hope there's no more woman like her. A psychopath," I said remembering the day she smashed her head. I think even crazy people will never hit themselves. That woman is more than crazy.

"Let's not talk about her anymore, can we talk about us now?"

"What about us?" I ask smiling and turn my head to him.

"About our relationship, do you think I still have a chance to be with you again? Or I have to show more effort to get you back?"

"Hm, I do prefer the second one, I want to see you effort too, that would be so much fun," I said thinking about what's will do to get me back.

"Oh yeah? I will do my best then," He said and finally, we reached my house. "So, Ms. Florence, I will see you tomorrow."

"I don't think we ha-"

"Lunch date, I'll pick you up at your office." He said and wink at me. He just winks at me! I suddenly feel the weird sensation in my stomach. Oh no, I think I am getting this butterfly effect even with his little effort. "I can see you cannot stop smiling baby girl," He said and this time, he really teases me with all his charms.

"Whatever, see you tomorrow then," I said and quickly get out of the car. If I stay in that car longer, I will go and kiss him for the rest of the night. His charms are killing me. I wave at him and here he goes, he winks once again and even gives me a bit of smirk. I am melting right now. I walk to the house and when I open the door, my dad is there standing by the window. That's means, he saw all of it or not?

"Hi Dad, what are you doing here?" I said and close the door behind me. I feel a bit awkward right now and I don't know why. He looks at me and raises his eyebrows. "Do you have anything to say?" I ask because he is clearly has something in his mind.

"Is that Lucas?" I nod my head. "So... you guys are now getting back together again or what?" He asks.

"Not yet but it will be soon," I answer.

"Are you sure he's not going to hurt you again? I don't want to see my sweet daughter cry again and if your mom was here, she also doesn't want to see you cry because of heartbreak again," He said and I go and hug him. "You know you're the one and only daughter that I have?" I nod, "I love you and want to see you happy. It makes me sad when I see you cry." He said and hug me tighter. Then, I feel tears coming out of my eyes. I don't want to make my dad sad and that's the last thing I want to see. I might be getting into an argument with my dad quite often but I still love him so much.

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