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"Alright, so today we're just gonna do lockers and that's it since I know none of you guys have your gym clothes with you..." Mr. Hiks said running a hand through his long hair in the middle of the gym.

"So I guess just pick a partner to share with, come get a lock, and head into the locker rooms. Boys is in that back left corner..." He pointed over his shoulder.

"...and girls is in the right."

The crowd of kids standing in the middle of the room immediately started talking amongst themselves the minute that he stopped. Some overly excited boys already started running over towards the corner of the gym.

"Do you wanna be my partnerrrr...?" A fakely sweet sounding voice came nestling up against Ki's left side.

Ki looked over at Acacia and smiled.

"Fuck no." She laughed, starting to walk forward already to where the locks were lying in a cardboard box next to Mr. Hik's feet.

"But I love you!" Acacia followed swiftly, proclaiming her feelings in an ever so loudly dramatic manner.

"Duh, who wouldn't?" Ki smirked, picking up a black lock from the box.

"Asshat." Acacia mumbled hitting Ki on the shoulder with her balled up fist.

"Yeah. Yeah. Heard it before." Ki rolled her eyes, making her way across the gym with Acacia two feet away at all times.

"So what do you think of that new girl?" Acacia whispered catching up to be side by side with Ki.

"Lyra?" Ki rose her eyebrows.

"Is that her name? She's in our class. I hadn't seen her yet, only heard everyone talking about her."

"Yeah. She's nice."

"Hmm. Okay. She doesn't mean shit to me if she's just one of those pretty girls that can't play dodgeball though." Acacia said throwing a piece of her short dyed purple hair behind her ear.

"Acacia..." Ki side glared her.

"What? I'm serious. It gets boring when it's only us against the boys."

"You're not wrong." Ki shrugged her shoulders, pulling on the metal handle to the girls locker room.

As they entered the locker room it radiated the smell of those ugly colorful jerseys they threw at you to designate teams in elementary school. Ki immediately embraced the fact that the boys room probably smelt ten times worse, and tracked in with a tad of sympathy for the other sex.

"Go pick a locker." Ki said, motioning out into the empty room of blue lockers.

"Seriously? I get to pick this time? Hell yeah!" Acacia said biting her lip with a devious smile as she started walking towards the far end of the room.

"I have never ever in the history of my entire gruesome life seen anyone ever as excited as you are about this class." Ki said slowly following in suit.

As Ki made her way across the room, more girls started pouring in the door, taking whatever lockers looked the cleanest.

Acacia, however, pointed at a locker in the corner, next to a mirror.

"This one." She turned back around to look at Ki.

"Alright." Ki waved passively. "What's the combo on the lock?"

Acacia sat down on the wooden bench in front of their new locker and pulled off the sticker on the back of the lock.

On the other side of the room, girls were laughing and gossiping with each other, getting lockers closest to each other so they could spread the word while getting dressed.

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