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kat ganderway
i am soooo bored mathias has been on the xbox all morning long im going to shoot myself

bitch #1 👿

stfu you've literally been watching top chef reruns

hana garret
im proud

bitch #1 👿
thank you hana

lyra 💫
can we plz do something my dad wants to talk to me and im really trying to avoid that rn

hana garret
love you guys but im in hawaii

kat ganderway
we know bitch you left us here

hana garret
okay I love everyone but kat

bitch #1 👿
anyone down for laser tag?

I can't even remember the last time I've played laser tag

lyra 💫
that honestly sounds like a blast

kat ganderway
there's one close to the mall we should totally do it

I'm down

I'll pick everyone up in an hour?

lyra 💫
k :)

kat ganderway

bitch #1 👿
idk kat you've got some pretty good competition ;)

lyra 💫
okay so we're separating those two

alright I see how it is... wanting an excuse to get away from me

lyra 💫

lyra 💫

kat ganderway

kat ganderway
this is going to be interesting

bitch #1 👿
I'm ready


"No, no, no Lyra please!" Ki held out her arms as her gun dropped to the side.

With a smirk, her girlfriend shot the red x on her chest and whispered a sly "sorry Ki."

"I hate you!" Ki called after her as she ducked behind a pillar while Lyra sprinted around the corner back to Kat.

"Kat is not as good as she thinks she is." Acacia mumbled as she rounded the pillar as well, her vest still lit up with her x and her gun propped in her hands.

"Okay, well I'm also a lot worse than I thought I was."

"That's only because it was Lyra." She rolled her eyes bringing her gun up to her shoulder.

"I suck at this Acacia, we're going to lose." Ki looked down at her vest that was blinking back to life.

"Not a chance." Her best friend grinned patting her on the shoulder. "Go get 'em tiger."

"Ew, don't say that again." She mumbled, turning around the edge of the pillar to go find another place to hide before Kat or Lyra found her again and pathetically took her out.

Ki looked around and started running along the edge of the wall, waiting for someone's red lights to stand out in the darkness of the room. There was a glowing blue line symbolizing the corner where the walls meet and Ki was full on ready to crouch down there and wait for Acacia's rescue before she smacked right into another person and knocked her gun to the floor.

of all the starsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant