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The morning after the football game, Ki woke up with a pounding headache.

She grumpily rolled on the carpet of the living room and realized it could've been from sleeping on the floor all night.

Her back hurt too. To be expected.

Why the floor again?

Ki looked around her as she sat up. Acacia was on the big couch, sprawled out with two blankets draped across her legs, and Lyra was curled up in a ball on the smaller couch with her hair covering the pillow in every way imaginable. They both looked like absolute messes as they slept, Ki hoped she hadn't looked like that as well.

She took a deep breath as she quietly started standing up, she knew the floor was going to creek but she was trying hard not to wake them.


"Mmmm yes." She whispered to herself, thankful for the idea.

She carefully stepped over the random things sprawled over the floor, including, but not limited to: a hairbrush, a gray sweatshirt, random shoes, a phone charger and a pillow. She didn't exactly know which items were hers, or if any of them belonged to her at all, but she made sure not to step on them anyways.

Once she passed the danger zone, she quickly scurried across the floor towards the kitchen.

When she stepped into the kitchen, the cold tile floor sent a shiver down her spine.

Why is it always so fucking cold in this house?

Ki pulled out a Keurig cup from the basket on the counter and popped it into the machine. She didn't even look at what flavor it was because she knew if Shori had bought it, it was going to be good.

She pressed the button and heard as the cycle started, waiting for that first drip into her coffee mug.

Then she yawned, closing her eyes as she leaned against the counter. When she opened them, she noticed her phone was sitting on the counter charging next to an empty pizza box. She must've forgotten to shut it off after their midnight snack run.

Oh well. She thought, picking it up.

Her notifications were pretty bare. Only an email from hot topic and a text from Andi.

A text from Andi?

She was intrigued. She pressed on the notification and unlocked her phone.

the side bitch
your brother said the stupidest shit today. he just asked me if ketchup was a vegetable.

Ki weakly laughed and hung her head down and she sent a vague response.

sounds like shori

She closed out her messages and was about to go read that email when a voice came up behind her.

"Good morning."

Ki turned around. Lyra was walking across the kitchen, her footsteps gentle and her socks making them nearly soundless as she rubbed her eyes.

"Oh um... good morning." She said in surprise that someone else was awake.

"Is that coffee?" Lyra mumbled, close to whisper.

"Uh... yes?" Ki set her phone down on the counter behind her.

"I love coffee." She said back sheepishly.

"Well uh here, it's almost done..."


Lyra yawned and walked over to where Ki was standing.

of all the starsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя