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"Only two weeks left until the trip! Are you excited?" Lyra said, walking side by side with Ki in the hallway as they made their way to chemistry.

"Yeah. It'll be my first time in DC, so hopefully it's fun." Ki said shifting her binders from one arm to the other.

"You've never been to DC? How is that even possible? It's awesome!"

"Just never got the time I guess." Ki responded shyly.

The truth is Ki was supposed to go to DC on another school field trip back in junior high, but she had to stay home. It was three months after the accident, and Shori couldn't afford to send her, nor could she make it through the trip without having a mental breakdown.

Ki was honestly a little surprised Shori was totally cool with her going on this trip. Maybe it was the fact that she was nearly an adult now, and if she could drive a car without any problems, she could go a few hours away without any problems, right?

Ki certainly hoped that was going to be the case. For her sake, and for Lyra's.

But what if Ki had a breakdown on the trip? What the hell would Lyra do? She would have no idea what was going on. Poor Lyra would desperately try to help, but come to no results.

Ki prayed on her last dying wish that that didn't happen.

Just the thought of the possibility alone was making her nervous.

"Did you study for this test?" Lyra changed the subject.

"Hah no." Ki scoffed.

"Me neither. Hopefully the lab from Monday is all it covers, because other than that, I don't know shit."

Ki nodded in agreement as they entered the classroom.

Everyone had their notes pulled out, trying to cram in those last minute definitions, but the truth was... every single person in that class knew they were screwed. Even Miss Perfect Lyra Meclane.

They made their way to the back and sat down. Back in week one, Ki had sat alone, and Lyra had sat at the table next to hers, alone as well.

Beginning of week two, Lyra started sitting next to Ki. Ki found it a bit odd at first, but now she had learned to enjoy the extra company. Especially hers.

As they sat down their shoulders bumped into each other's, something that Ki had almost come to expect everyday instead of being surprised at.

She smiled to herself as Lyra said "oops sorry," just like she did every single day.

"Stop apologizing, you do this everyday." Ki playfully elbowed her.

"Oh shut up I do not..."

Ki raised an eyebrow towards her with suspicion as if implying the "mmhmm."

"Fine whatever." Lyra sighed in defeat.

Ki slid her binders over to the corner of her desk, and took out her red pen from behind her ear. Beside her, Lyra was taking a notebook out of her shoulder bag, while also battling to keep her hair back out of the way. Ki wanted to hold it back for her, but she knew that would be weird, even if it was helpful. As Lyra started sitting back up, Ki directed her attention towards the front of the class.

Ki began aggressively tapping her pen against the table in boredom, when a hand landed on hers, prompting her to stop.

"So... I meant to ask you the other day... do you uh... have any plans on homecoming?" Lyra slowly pulled her hand back.

"Um..." Ki crinkled her nose in thought. "I don't... oh wait. Yeah, um... movie night with Acacia."

"Oh." Lyra nodded, turning her head away.

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