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voice mail from unknown:

"Hey Ki, I know it's like really freaking early in the morning for you, but please just let me know when you get this. I just want to know how Lyra is... I'm heading to the gym so if you need anything my phone will be on me, just please tell me if she's back to normal when she wakes up, or we're going to have a problem again, and I'm really trying to avoid that. Anyways, just text me. Bye."

Ki pulled the phone down from her ear and looked at the time next to the message.

5:57 am.

Damn Gabby.

She then looked at the tiny time stamp on top of her screen.

9:42 am.

Well shit.

Lyra was still asleep on her lap, her hand draped over the side of the couch lazily with her phone loosely balanced between her fingers and the floor.

Ki took a minute before deciding to respond, craning her neck around the couch to see if either of the boys were awake in the kitchen, or still tucked away upstairs.

When they came home last night, they were forcefully throwing expired marshmallows at each other in the kitchen, which although Ki couldn't help but laugh at, was not the right thing to walk in on with Lyra.

She smiled and waved as if everything were okay and then promptly curled up in Ki's arms and stayed silent for the rest of the night; only nodding her head once when asked if she wanted to watch a movie.

It was concerning how mute she was, but Ki guessed it was a fluke incident that would soon be forgotten from a solid 8 hours of sleep and sunshine outside their window.

She decided that worrying Gabby was unnecessary, so she opened her phone and typed out:

hey gab it's ki. I think she's okay. she's sleeping right now.

she got an immediate reply.

lyra jr 🏐
okay. it'll probably be best if she spends the day with you if that's cool, if not I can swing by and get her but Cassie and John spent the night here last night and I think damage control says they should stay separated

yeah that's totally fine. not like I'm going to mind

lyra jr 🏐
figured. just uh, you know have fun

lyra jr 🏐
but not too much fun ;)

there's the dirty remark I was waiting for

lyra jr 🏐
if my sister comes home pregnant I'll kill you

once again gabby...


lyra jr 🏐
just covering all the grounds here

lyra jr 🏐
I'm not stupid I know ki lmao

trust me... she's fine

lyra jr 🏐
I know she is

lyra jr 🏐
contrary to my usual "I hate you because you're dating my sister" attitude, I actually trust you

of all the starsΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα