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content warning: panic attack, non-descriptive mentions of suicide


Ki woke up to the sound of Shakira's Hips Don't Lie.

As her eyes started to come into focus she realized why.

Ah yes. Lyra set the alarm on her phone last night.

"Lyra." Ki laughed weakly, starting to sit up as she rubbed her hands on her face.

"What..." The tired blob next to her mumbled into her pillow.

"Your alarm." Ki smiled, sitting up on the edge of the bed. "It's hilarious."

"Shut up. It's not a good morning if you don't wake up dancing." Lyra turned over slowly.

"I woke up laughing does that count?"

"I don't need your judgement Ki."

"Me? I would never." Ki grinned as she stood up and yawned.

"Shut up." Lyra threw Ki's pillow at her weakly.

Ki caught it and threw it back, hitting Lyra in the face.

"You know for someone who is always so full of energy you're not really a morning person..."

"Well sorry it's not like I normally wake up at this hour anyways."

"Lyra it's seven, school starts at eight... you'd be waking up at home the same time, so get your ass up."

Lyra grumbled into the pillow on her face, before throwing it to the end of the bed.



Halfway through the day, Lyra was back to being her usual self. It didn't take very long... one cup of coffee and she was practically pulling Ki along everywhere they went.

Not that Ki minded. At all.

If Ki was going to be honest with herself, she was a little tired. She may have thought that she was fine this morning, but all this walking was actually wearing her out. She desperately wanted to sit down, but that was not an option so she kept walking and didn't complain.

"Do you think they'll let us chose where we eat for dinner?" Lyra bumped into Ki with her shoulder.

"Probably not. I bet money we're just eating at McDonald's again." Ki sighed, pulling down the sleeves of her jacket with her thumbs.

"Ah. Maybe if we're lucky we'll get Wendy's."

"I love how that's your 'if we're lucky' response. Like its any better." She laughed, completely ignoring whatever conversation was actually being held about the exhibit they were at.

"Eh... at least it's something different." Lyra shrugged, the sleeves of her baggy sweater falling off her shoulder as she did.

Sometimes Ki envied Lyra's ability to pull off any article of clothing. Like... anything. Sweatpants and a random tee shirt? Yep, all the time. A dress and a jeans jacket? Every once in a while. Sweaters and holy jeans? That was practically her look by now. Ki loved how she didn't care what she looked like, or maybe it was because she was confident she always looked good. Lyra always exuded confidence. Sometimes Ki wished she would share a little bit of that with her.

Ki picked at the littlest things. Like, when was it okay to start wearing scarves again? Or are slides in the fall still acceptable? Does wearing a leather jacket everyday make you look like a hardass? Does wearing your hair up too often make you look lazy, or organized? Are black jeans okay? Can you wear converse with leggings?

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