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In the aftermath of the sleepover, Ki layed quietly on her bedroom floor staring at the ceiling as the soft glow of her desk light illuminated the shadows of assorted items scattered on her table.

At the end of the day, Ki would say that overall the coming out plan was a success, but she still couldn't tell how everyone felt.

Kat obviously was fine and just being a sarcastic little shit like always.

Hana was trying to make them feel as welcomed as possible, providing them with support even though Ki sensed a bit of apprehension from her.

Acacia, however, was where Ki really didn't know how she felt.

Acacia had always been the easiest person in the world to read, she had never hidden anything from Ki, and Ki never anything from her. Perhaps that's why she appeared to take it harder than everyone else. Ki didn't tell her. She wasn't honest with her. She left her in the dark, and on something so important that it was no wonder why Acacia would be confused, or even mad.

Acacia tried so hard to backtrack on her comments once she realized it was all real, but Ki could tell... she was definitely conflicted. No amount of her usual sarcasm and playful comments could cover up the fact that there was something unsettling to Acacia.

Ki spread out her arms on the ground as she flailed herself over the carpet to cover as much floor as possible. She let it all go with a sigh.

But, what if Acacia really was mad?

It was a question she had never had to ask herself. Something she never even contemplated. The 'what if?' was perhaps the scariest part.

What if she really pissed her off?

What if Acacia couldn't let it go?

What if I really fucked up by not telling her?

What if Acacia leaves?

"What if Acacia leaves?!" Ki whispered out loud, frantically reaching for her phone in the pile of clothes beside her.

She brought the device up in front of her face and for once in her life, wasn't sure what to say to her friend. Her best friend.

She couldn't just... not talk about it. There was something unspoken that Ki couldn't sleep if she didn't figure out. If Acacia was mad, so be it. It would be better than not knowing anything at all.


Ki anxiously awaited as she watched the label underneath her blue text box stay on delivered. Who was she to think Acacia would respond immediately anyways? She never does.

"Ughhhh..." She sighed, throwing her arms back down into the carpet.

From her spot on the floor she could hear Shori's horrible singing from his shower echoing down the hallway. That's one thing Ki didn't know how Andi dealt with. Just one of those quirky Shori things that Ki found normal, but also utterly annoying. Maybe he just did it to piss them all off... just because he could.

She turned her head away from the doorway and looked underneath her desk instead, spying a pen from the crack underneath the drawers.

So, that's where that went.

She reached her fingers underneath the desk and pulled out the pen with her two fingers, only being able to reach it by sheer luck.

She gave it a few test clicks as she held it in her hand, the black encasing casting a shadow in her palm.

She lazily tossed it up towards the desk, resulting in it falling back down towards the floor again, this time landing on her phone.

As if summoned by the pen gods, her phone buzzed as the pen rolled off towards the side, bringing Ki her new message.

bitch #1 👿

what's up


bitch #1 👿
watching top chef

ah yes the cooking shows™️


bitch #1 👿
why tf did you just trademark a cooking show


because I can


bitch #1 👿

can we talk?


bitch #1 👿
what do you think we're doing

bitch #1 👿
but okay

are you mad?


bitch #1 👿
about lyra?


you just seemed a little... idk

bitch #1 👿
I'm fine

okay... lies


bitch #1 👿
no I'm good. just idk...

wdym idk?


bitch #1 👿
maybe it's just weird to me

bitch #1 👿
not like the dating part

bitch #1 👿
just the fact that like... I never even knew. like you didn't tell me shit



bitch #1 👿
like there were so many times when you could've just filled me in and you didn't ??

idk why I did that. I honestly don't. I shouldn't have been scared to tell you but for some reason I still was


bitch #1 👿
dude do you fucking know me? why would you be scared? I would've helped you

gah I know

idk what I'm doing

I should've told you that's my bad


bitch #1 👿
I get the whole come out when you're ready thing but like...

bitch #1 👿
you just did... to everyone

bitch #1 👿
and you didn't trust me to know first?

acacia it's not that I didn't trust you it's just

you know I'm a mess

I didn't know how


bitch #1 👿

bitch #1 👿
I'm giving you a do over then

bitch #1 👿
make it good

wdym where do I even start?


bitch #1 👿
you tell me

alright here goes nothing then

hey acacia

I'm hella gay™️



bitch #1 👿
see that's how that shit was supposed to go

bitch #1 👿
and I love you you're redeemed

thanks bitch :)


bitch #1 👿
don't push it asshat

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