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lyra 💫
come to my house after school?



lyra 💫
good... we need to sort this out

sort what out?


lyra 💫
we've dug ourselves a hole ki


yeah a little bit.



"This is a mess." Lyra flopped down into her fluffy white comforter.

Ki sat down on the fuzzy black rug on the floor and looked around Lyra's room observantly.

The first time she had come to her house, she hadn't been upstairs. Now she saw a room that was uniquely filled with all of Lyra's things.

She had an antique white desk with organized groups of makeup. There was a cubicle with a variety of trophies, books and old binders. Across the room, next to her bed on a white nightstand was a blue bath and body works candle, small succulent, and a framed picture of what she assumed to be Lyra, Cassie and Cygnus eating ice cream cones on a park bench in what Ki could only guess as Florida.

Her bed itself looked quite small with the abundance of blankets and decorative pillows skewed about behind Lyra. She was flopped into them like a distraught teenage girl... which, given the circumstances, she was.

Ki placed her hand down on the rug and rubbed her fingers over the soft material, the texture mimicking the old golden retriever her dad used to have.

"I know you were all for not telling them Ki, but we should really figure it out."

"Yeah... you're right." Ki sighed, knowing her and Lyra wouldn't be able to just go about this in quiet anymore.

"But first..." Lyra sat up on her bed. "Get off the floor." She chuckled.

"What?" Ki looked up at her a little confused.

"You don't have sit on the floor." Lyra laughed.

She patted the spot on the bed next to her, and moved her back to lean against the back of the wall to make space for her girlfriend to sit.

"Come sit with me."

Ki took the offer with a blushing smile as she pushed herself off the carpet and stumbled the short distance over to Lyra's bed.

When she put her knee down to climb over next to Lyra, the bed gave way underneath her. It almost created a crater where the weight was, and if Ki was honest, it felt like she was being swallowed whole.

Must be memory foam.

She scooted herself in close to Lyra and leaned her back up against the wall, the pillows creating a buffer between her lower back and the hard surface behind her.

Lyra leaned forward off the wall and took the hair that was gathered on top of her head out of its loose ponytail. The brown waves flowed down around the base of her neck and flooded over her shoulders until it reached her stomach as she slipped the brown elastic over her wrist.

During school, Lyra usually wore her hair up unless she had something special that day. It was probably functional and comfortable for her given how much of it she had. But lying here with Ki, it's almost as if she didn't care anymore. She didn't care how tangled up it could get, or how much of it would fall into her face. Ki never saw her much with her hair down, but it didn't really make a difference to her. She looked just as beautiful either way.

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