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"KIIIIIIIIIIIII GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!" Were the first words that Ki woke up to on Thursday morning.

Ki whined as she bolted awake, flipping off the covers violently.

"What the fuck do you want Shori?!" She screamed down the hall, hoping it would travel down to the kitchen.

"Come here! Now!" He yelled back.

Ki grumbled to herself as she slumped across the room.

The cold wood of the hallway floor hit her feet with an unwelcome chill as she left her room. The light from the living room illuminated the stairs as she quickly stomped down them one by one, hoping to make her footsteps as loud as possible.

"Stop being a shithead and get in here." Shori called as he must've heard her from the kitchen.

"What do you want? I still had ten minutes. That's a lot of fucking time." Ki rolled her head back as she walked into the kitchen.

"I just wanted to talk to you before you left for school." Her brother said with a wide smile as he turned around from the stove.

"Ugh... seriously?"

"Sit down grump ass." Shori said waving his spatula down to the seat in front of her. "It's important."

"Okay, what?"

"Next weekend, Me and Andi are going to go see his parents in New Mexico... that means, you'll be here alone, unless you want to go stay with a friend. Are you okay with that?"

"Um... next weekend?" Ki said, actually taking a minute to process her thoughts. "So that means the weekend before the DC trip weekend?"

"Yep. We should be back Monday night, so if you need anything for the trip we can go on Tuesday."

"Um okay. That's sounds fine. I'm a big girl, I don't need a babysitter Shori."

"Just making sure you were gonna be okay if... you know..."

"Relax. I'll be fine. Go enjoy the in-laws." Ki smirked, knowing Shori was going to be doing just the opposite.

"Hah hah so funny." Shori scrunched up his nose at her.

Ki smiled in return, as Shori removed whatever was in his pan from off the stove. He slid it onto a plate and then grabbed a fork from out of the 'clean dishes that haven't been put away but still get used' container.

"You like ham right?" He asked, turning around with the plate.

"Uh sure?" Ki said suspiciously.

"Here." Shori placed the plate in front of her. "Eat some breakfast."

Ki looked at what seemed to be an omelet in front of her and smiled softly. No one had made her breakfast for a school day since Shori's mom died. She used to make them both food every single morning, complaining when they would try to rush out without eating.

"Also... while were on this subject, I'd like to put down some rules."

Ki's smile dropped in to a glare.


"Yes. I love you and I trust you, but I just need to make sure you don't do anything reckless so... rule number one: no alcohol while I'm gone. That includes beer, wine, hard liquor, shots, everything."

"Whatever." Ki said, brushing off the first one as fairly simple seeing as how she didn't drink anyways.

"Rule number two: don't go in our room."


"Three: you can have guests, but no more than four at a time, and if any are of the opposite gender they're not allowed in your bedroom."

"Shori... do you really think I would..."

"I am not taking chances. We do not need another Katashi around this house."

"Agreed." Ki leaned over her plate, stuffing her mouth with the first bite of Shori's omelet.

"Four: if you make a mess, clean it up. Do your dishes, take out the trash, make sure everything is still just as we left it."


"Just use your brain Ki." He sighed. "Five: don't be reckless. For your own sake, be home by midnight unless you are sleeping over somewhere, and make sure you keep your knife on you."

"My knife? You told me not to carry that..."

"Just this once I'll let you have it."

Ki smiled as she put her fork back down on the plate. It had been awhile since Shori had even talked about their knives. Ki liked to believe she had a pretty impressive collection, but Shori said she shouldn't go bragging about all her sharp objects, or kids at the new school would be concerned, and she wouldn't make any friends.

Acacia likes the knife collection. She mentally sighed to herself.

"I'll leave it at five. Anything else pops up you call me. Any questions?"

"How do you feel on people spending the night?"

"That's fine. Don't do anything I would do, and don't do anything Andi wouldn't." Shori rationed with himself.

"Hmm. Okay." Ki shrugged, somehow completely understanding what Shori meant.

"Anything else?"

"Uhhhh... can I use the bike?" Ki smirked at Shori, raising an eyebrow in the process.

"Hell no. You're not getting hurt while I'm not here."

"Not even just to school and back?"

"Absolutely not. No. Don't touch the bike Ki... please, if there's one rule you actually listen to, let it be this one."

"Okay, okay, stay off the bike. Got it." She mumbled.

"Alright, if you have anything else just text me. I'm late for work. Bobby's gonna kill me if I show up to the garage late again."

"Get out of here old man." Ki grinned, taking another bite of her omelet.

"See you later kid." He said patting her shoulder as he started walking away.

"Actually... um..." She cleared her throat. "You probably won't until late. I'm going to the game again."

"What game?" He called back as he continued walking away.

"The soccer game."

"Okay, well have fun. Don't do drugs."


Soccer game number six was a success.

They were on a winning streak and Ki could tell the whole morale of the team was extremely high.

Lyra especially.

Well, Lyra was always a ball of energy, but tonight she was ready to throw down with whoever didn't have on their Kennedy High gear.

"If we win this game, you owe me a pizza." Lyra teased before the game.

"Deal." Ki shrugged. "But I never said you wouldn't win..."

"Doesn't matter. I'm hungry right now."

"Didn't you eat dinner?"

"Didn't have time." Lyra waved it off.

"Okay, well go kick it in the ass, I believe in you!"

Lyra smiled and ran off towards the feild.


They won by a landslide.

Looks like Ki was down a pizza.

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