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"Gonna be honest Ki, you didn't really peg me for a figure skating type." Lyra mumbled as they stepped onto the ice for the first time.

Well... more like Ki gracefully stepped on, and Lyra stumbled face first, grabbing on to Ki's jacket sleeve before she fell.

"Yeah well, I'm full of surprises." Ki laughed, placing her hand underneath Lyra's to help stabilize her back to a standing position.

"See I could see you doing hockey, but not this." She gestured out to the ice as another figure skater passed by them.

"I wanted to do hockey actually." Ki shrugged, waiting until Lyra was completely upright before pushing off on her right foot. "But my dad put me in this first."

"How old were you?"

"4." Ki smiled. "I was 4, hopping around the rink in pretty pink dresses and making every other girl on the ice my worst enemy."

"I find that really hard to imagine." Lyra pushed herself forwards unsteadily, holding out her arms besides her for balance.

"Yeah well... my dad loved it, so I kept doing it. I did it up until about eight grade, when I realized I fucking hated competitions."

"That wasn't too long ago."

"Yeah. That's why my skates still fit. Haven't really grown much from then, as you can tell." Ki waved down her face to the rest of her body. "I'm 5'2 on a really good day."

"Yeah well at least you're not a fucking tree." Lyra laughed, getting a little too excited and almost tripping over her other foot. She balanced herself out as she continued talking. "I haven't stopped growing and I'm already taller than my sister Cassie. And she's 5'6! That's really tall for my family."

"I bet. Gabby's like what, barely 5 foot?"

"Yeah pretty much. My mom is 4'11 and she's just on a steady decline from there." Lyra laughed a little.

"Is your dad tall?"

"Yeah. He and my mom have over a foot height difference. Could you even imagine?!"

"That sounds... rough." Ki laughed thinking about if Lyra were to ever get that tall.

Kissing would be a difficulty for sure... even standing on the tops of her toes!

"Oh well." Lyra sighed. "...so tell me more about skating!"

"You know enough already, you've become a dangerous asset now." Ki raised her eyebrow at Lyra with a devious smile.

"Oh shut up." Lyra shoved Ki with her shoulder.

Lyra had probably expected that to have actually knocked Ki out of balance, but instead it just sent her wobbling right into Ki.

Ki reached out and wrapped her arm around Lyra's waist, pulling her back up to stability.

"You good there Meclane?" She gripped her fingers around the soft fabric of her fleece jacket.

Lyra reached out for Ki, her hand landing on the base of her other wrist as Ki offered her arm out for support.

"Yeah, yeah, I'll get it." Lyra sighed pulling herself together.

"You sure? We can sit down if you need to..." Ki pushed them along the side of the ice.

"No. No! You should know me by now." Lyra smirked, looking over to Ki with a side glare. "I'm no quitter."

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