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"Remember over break you won't have any homework as long as you all get this lab report done by Friday." Mr. Cerone called from the front of the class.

Ki pushed her ugly, green, obnoxiously large goggles up the bridge of her nose with the back of her hand. Lyra looked up from where she was weighing out grams of salt in a little white dish with a smile.

"I think we'll have it done by Thursday." She whispered, shaking out a few grams of salt with such a precision, Ki swore she could almost see the determination in her eyes.

"Yeah, me too. I mean we're almost done right? This is the last test?"

"I think so, the rest is just the questions or whatever... but we can work on those later." Lyra mumbled, holding up the white dish with a note of satisfaction.

"Are you implying that you're coming over later?" Ki raised her eyebrow with a grin.

"I mean I wasn't, but I can be now."

"You should..." Ki grinned. "So we can work on... chemistry."

Lyra giggled. "You are literally the worst."

"I know. I'm proud of it."

Ki sighed as she grabbed the salt from Lyra and set it down on the black table in front of the solution bottle. Lyra took a step away from the table as she took a deep breath.

"I think I'm gonna go get a drink real quick. You good?" Lyra's hand settled on her shoulder.

"It's not that hard, Lyra. I'm just babysitting your salt." Ki rolled her eyes with a smirk.

"You better keep a damn good eye on my salt or I'll kick your ass." She laughed, slowly sliding her hand off of Ki's arm.

"Go get a drink, Lyra. Nothing's going to happen to your salt." Ki laughed back, shaking her head as her girlfriend started to walk away.

She leaned against the table as she watched Lyra leave, her eyes following her all the way to the front of the class, and then out the door. When she was no longer in sight, Ki sighed, staring back down at the salt in boredom, wishing it could miraculously tell her what to do next.

While she was too busy staring at the dish in front of her, someone bumped into the table, shaking her thoughts up to the culprit.

Her eyes immediately darted up to Taron, who was not only wearing a playful smirk, but also not returning back to his table. She gave him a minute to admit he was sorry and turn back around to his lab table, but her time span came and went without him saying a word.

"Yeah?" She asked, her lips pressed in a thin line.

"Sorry I don't know how to say your name, but you're friends with Lyra right?"

"Um it's just Ki, pretty easy actually." She sighed, slightly relaxing as he nodded in apology. "But, why do you want to know?"

"Do you know if she's got a boyfriend? I know that's a really dumb ass question, but I just... wanted to know I guess." He shrugged, his whole seven inches of height on her making her feel intimidated... or maybe it was just the nature of his question.

"She doesn't." Ki darted her eyes down to the table, making sure she kept her rising redness under control. Ki had no idea what Lyra wanted people to know at this point. Being out to their friends was one thing... the whole school? Completely different. That was just asking for a hate crime or a threesome proposal.

"Oh woah, wait really?"

"Yeah, but you can go tell Aloric to fuck off, I know that's why you're asking..." She sighed as she watched Lyra walk back into the room with a smile as she passed the first lab table.

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