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lyra 💫
hey what are you doing tomorrow after school?

uhhhhh nothing why?


lyra 💫

lyra 💫
I was wondering if maybe you'd want to pick me up from practice and hang out???

hang out?


lyra 💫
too much?

no. yeah I'm down...


lyra 💫
awesome :)


Today was Thursday.

Usually at this point in the night, Ki would be getting ready to go to the soccer game, nagging someone to come along with her so she wouldn't stand alone in the cold.

But tonight, they didn't have a game. Apparently there was a week gap in their schedule between their last game and the championship so they got a night to rest.

Instead she was stuck watching tv with Andi, an endless marathon of recorded shows from the past two weeks.

She pulled her plaid fleece blanket up to her face and leaned over onto the side of the couch. She curled her legs up as tight as she could, but her feet were still pushing on Andi's leg. On any other night, Andi would've complained about her taking up too much space or to get her 'stinky ass feet' away from him, but presently he sat quietly and didn't complain. Tonight was a rare occasion.

Shori was gone.

It was just the two of them. The two of them binging dorky shows and kicking each other on the couch.

When Shori was gone, Andi and Ki acted a lot like siblings. He really put the brother in brother in law. They would fight over stupid shit and share conspiracy theories, and yet Ki never minded actually being stuck home alone with Andi. Sometimes she could even get him to spill some dirt on Shori, and vice versa.

But tonight, Ki didn't feel like annoying the shit out of him. She actually felt content with her decision to hold back on digging her heel into the side of his thigh to get more foot room.

So instead, she just leaned her head against the armrest of the couch and watched the flickering lights up against the wall as neither of them budged to turn the light on in the ever present darkness.

Ki was pretty sure she had missed half of the episode as she wandered off in her thoughts, but Andi seemed to be pretty intently caught up in the drama unfolding onscreen. His facial expression was determined and focused, as his forehead wrinkled down towards the bridge of his nose.

Ki sighed and tossed a remote at Andi's shoulder.

He was quickly shaken out of his trance and turned to Ki with one eyebrow raised in a 'what the fuck' glare.

"What?" He squinted, trying to analyze what had prompted Ki to throw the remote.

"Can I ask you something?" She sighed, turning her head towards him.

He took the remote Ki had just thrown at him and then paused the screen, catching one of the characters mid-speech.

"I suppose."

"When you met Shori... how did you know he was gonna be into you?"

"Oh... um... I didn't, really." He almost seemed confused at the serious manner of the question. "I was kind of just hoping that his dumbfounded smile and puppy dog eyes meant maybe I had a shot."

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