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The rest of the day went according to plan.

Lunch was a rushed battle for reserving tables.

English was dead.

Study hall was boring.

And astronomy actually turned out pretty cool.

Ki went over all the details of the day in her head, picking out which ones mattered and which ones didn't. She knew her brother was going to ask her all about her day.

She came to a summary in her head as she opened the front door to his house, car keys jingling in her hand.

She wasn't even two feet in the door before she heard a familiar voice coming towards her.

"Ki! Oh thank god, please help me!" It yelled across the room.

In a matter of seconds, Ki realized this noise came from Andi, her brother's fiancé.

"Andi, seriously! Where did you put it?!" Shori's voice came in to the room.

"I have no idea what you're talking about." He said crossing his arms and leaning against the back of the wall.

Shori walked into the room with his resting bitch face on. Ki knew the look well enough to know that Andi was in deep shit.

"Seriously Andrew."

"Oh shit, he pulled out the full name." Ki said laughing a little as she set her keys and backpack down on the floor.

"Oh, hey Ki!" Her brother looked over to her, his attention straying from his target for a second.

"Hey, Shori. What's up?" She nodded over to Andi.

"This little shit won't tell me where he hid my phone charger."

"Why did you steal his phone charger? That's crossing a line dude..." Ki found herself glancing over to Andi.

"He was on his phone all fucking night watching vine compilations while I was trying to sleep." Andi glared over at Shori with an amused eyebrow raise.

"What? You can't tell me you don't do the same?!" Shori retorted.

"No! Not at three in the morning!"

"Yeah come on Shori. If you're gonna do that, do it out here. Some people actually have to get up in the morning." Ki shrugged, kicking off her black converse.

"Yes! Thank you." Andi pointed over to her.

"Seriously?! Traitor." Shori sighed in disbelief as he glared at Ki.

Smiling, Ki started walking through the living room, her red socks sliding against the dark hardwood floor.

Within a few seconds she passed between the two boys, flipping them both off as made her way in to the kitchen doorway.

She smirked as she heard Shori call out an "I hate you!"

"No you don't!" Ki called back as she stepped onto the cold tile floor in the kitchen.

She quickly made her way over to the short white fridge, remembering that yesterday she picked up chocolate pudding on her weekly trip to the store.

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