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"So tomorrow we were thinking meet at Hana's around 6 so we can get something to eat. That sound good to you guys?" Lyra called across the locker room.

Ki thought it a little bit odd to carry on a conversation while they were all changing out of sweaty gym clothes, but Acacia didn't seem to mind.

"Yeah I'm down." She replied, kicking off one of her shoes.

"Awesome. Do you guys want me to bring anything?"

"A shit ton of candy." Acacia pleaded with wide eyes.

"Acacia calm the fuck down." Ki laughed, sitting down on the bench in front of their locker.

"A shit ton of candy it is then." Lyra laughed back.

"Do you want me to pick you up?" Ki looked up at Acacia.

"Nah I'll just hitch a ride with Lyra."

"What?" Ki said a little distraughtly.

"I live just down the road from her, she's on the way." Lyra informed, almost as if sensing Ki's unease.

"Oh... okay."

What was that?




Okay Ki, chill out.


hana garrett
hope y'all bitches is ready I got four different types of ice cream

bitch #1 👿
damn we livin lavish

hana garrett
you bet your ass

kat ganderway
please tell me you got mint chip

hana garrett
ofc do you think I'm a monster?

kat ganderway
no you're a hella good friend

lyra 💫
everyone quick!

lyra 💫
favorite candy?

kat ganderway
kit kats

lyra 💫

hana garrett

bitch #1 👿
anything with chocolate

lyra 💫
me too... me too

lyra 💫

bitch #1 👿
I know you ain't dead bitch answer this gc



bitch #1 👿
that isn't a candy you fuck

lyra 💫
oreos it is :)


"Hey Shori?" Ki called from her bed.

"Yeah..." He answered from somewhere down the hall.

"Can I go spend the night at a friends house tomorrow?" She asked, knowing the answer was already yes.

Shori didn't really give a shit what she did, as long as she told him first.

"Who?" His voice got closer.

"Hana Garrett across the street."

"I didn't know you and Hana were hanging out again." Shori appeared in her doorway.

"Well we're not... not like... alone anyways... but she's having some girls over tomorrow that are ditching homecoming."

"Didn't peg you as a sleepover type." He raised an eyebrow with a sly smile.

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