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content warning: non-descriptive mention of a drug overdose


"Shori where the fuck is my phone charger?" Andi yelled to the kitchen from the top of the open staircase.

Ki sat on the couch and leaned her head back, looking up at him with a devious smile.

"Karma bitch." Shori yelled back from the kitchen.

"Seriously Shori, it's the last thing on my list and then I'm ready."

"Fine... it's in the living room on the table next to the couch."

"Thanks babe." Andi called back to him, almost as if immediately switching between tones.

Ki heard Andi's footsteps patter down the stairs as she looked back down to her phone. She was looking up the weather so she didn't freeze her ass off at the soccer game tonight.

"It's supposed to be cold. Better bring an actual jacket so you don't die. If you do, Shori will never let me hear the end of it." Andi said, leaning over the back of the couch looking down at Ki.

"I'll keep that in mind." Ki smiled, handing the phone charger up to Andi.

"Thanks kid."

"You know I hate it when you call me that." Ki mumbled, rolling her eyes.

"Yeah, but I love it." Shori appeared in the doorway with his arms crossed.

"Well fuck you Shori." Ki put on a sarcastic smile.

Her brother smiled back as a response. Like an actual genuine smile. Maybe she would actually miss him over the weekend.

Who else was she going to make fun of?

"You ready to go?" He pointed over to his fiancée.

"Yeah. Are you?"

"Yeah. Just one more thing..." Shori said making his way over to the couch where Andi and Ki were. "What's the rules?"

Ki sighed as she remembered their conversation from last week.

"No beer, no snooping, no boys, clean up, not a lot of guests, home by midnight and carry a knife."


"And?" Ki looked at him in question.

"Don't get on the damn bike." Shori sternly glared at her.

"Yeah, yeah, I got it."

"Good." Shori leaned over and rustled his sister's hair. "Love you. Stay safe. Call me if you need anything."

"Whatever, love you too loser."

"I mean it Ki. If you need anything, call."

"Yeah, yeah, go enjoy New Mexico." Ki smiled looking at Andi. "Take care of him will you?"

"I'll try. My mother's wrath might be the end of him though." Andi shrugged.

"She's not that bad." Shori rolled his eyes.

"If you say so."

Ki laughed along with them. She smiled as they started to fight over who was going to drive as they both reached for the keys on the table next to the door.

"Oh hell no, you're an awful driver." Andi pointed, the keys dangling from his finger.

"Yeah but once we get past Kansas I don't know where we're going, so if I drive first then you can nap and drive second."

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