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School on Monday was everything Ki expected it to be.

Nonstop talk about who did what at homecoming, and who hooked up with who, and who snuck in a beer, and other useless information Ki really didn't need to know, but always found herself eavesdropping on.

It was always like this for about a week after homecoming and prom. Pointless drama and endless gossiping.

Ki sometimes felt bad for the people that made it into the spotlight. Some were girls she knew. Some were boys she hated. Some were just people who ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time. However they made their way into the gossip chain, and Ki knew they weren't likely to get out.

kat ganderway
sounds like we missed a pretty big fight at the dance

kat ganderway
kinda wishing we stopped by now

bitch #1 👿
aw come on I wanted to watch two petty little princesses throw down

hana garrett
it wasn't girls acacia lmao

hana garrett
it was aloric and taron

seriously? I thought they were like best friends

hana garrett
I guess one of them was being pissy about not having a date and he started flirting with the other dudes girl

lyra 💫

hana garrett

lyra 💫
aloric asked me. I said no

kat ganderway
haha that loser asked you... he should've seen it coming

bitch #1 👿
I don't feel bad for him

neither do I

plus... if he started flirting with tarons girl just because he didn't have you there like wtf?

hana garrett
okay but we been knew that aloric is a dick

bitch #1 👿
you're not wrong

lyra 💫
trust me guys I know I made the right choice

lyra 💫
hanging out with you was way better anyways

kat ganderway
you damn right

bitch #1 👿
I enjoyed my free food

oh shut the fuck up acacia you know you came for more than the food

bitch #1 👿
fine the bitches I ate the food with were pretty cool too

there you go


When Ki got home from school, she was ready to fall into her bed and just lay there staring at the ceiling for the rest of the night.

When she walked into her bedroom, she slid her backpack down and sat it on the floor next to her desk, and then made a bee line for her soft little corner of sanctuary.

As she was getting ready to take off her shoes, there was a knock from her doorway.

"Ki, can I ask you a question?"

She looked over to the door and didn't see her brother, but instead, Andi, standing there with his 'professor clothes' still on.

It was weird to see Andi in uniform. He always left before Ki got up in the morning and he was usually home and into his pajamas by the time she got out of school.

"Uh sure." She replied, dropping her left shoe she had taken off onto the floor.

"Do you think we should do the wedding in the winter or the spring? I was thinking like January or February, but I also think Shori was hoping for like April or May..."

Ki smiled, glad that it wasn't a serious question like she had expected from his earlier tone. She actually loved it when the two secretly came to her for wedding advice when the other didn't know. It made her feel like an insider. It made her realize that they both cared about her opinion. It made her feel loved.

"Well you know Shori's birthday is in February, so I would cross that month off the list. It's also Valentine's Day month so like there's already too much cheesy crap going on anyways."

"Yeah. You're right, February's out."

"I'd love to see you two have some wedding pictures in the winter though, so personally I would vote for January. But isn't that going to be impossible to book this close to the date?"

"No it's okay, my cousin owns the venue he only lends it out to people he knows so we're good." Andi smiled, his cheeks almost pushing on the rim of his glasses. "But January is a good idea... Shori does look really cute in the snow."

"And I think the black and white theme would be really nice with the suits and the snow." Ki shrugged her shoulders.

"Right? That's what I was thinking. Shori just didn't understand the logic in freezing our asses off."

"Shori doesn't have much of a knack for design so please make all of the decisions for him." Ki laughed.

"I'll run it by him again... thanks Ki, you're the best."

"I know." She shrugged taking off her other shoe and tossing it down to the floor.

As Andi left her room, Ki felt a sense of happiness.

They were actually getting married. She wanted to scream in joy. It was always something she'd thought of, but never thought she'd get again... a real family.

Pretty soon she'd have two... dads? Brother and brother in law? Who the fuck knows what she was supposed to call them... Ki couldn't have been more excited for the day to come.

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