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The girls stayed up until 2 in the morning talking about conspiracy theories and the black market.

Ki personally didn't give a shit about either of the topics, but Acacia and Kat seemed really invested in the conversation so Ki just listened as she leaned back against Hana's bedroom door.

Lyra was sprawled out across the floor in front of Ki's feet, watching the ceiling fan as the girls kept talking their nonsense.

It didn't take long before one of them fell asleep.

Surprisingly, it was Hana first.

She fell back into her bed and didn't get back up.

The next was Kat, as she curled into a ball in the bean bag on Hana's floor.

Acacia turned off the light and then found a peaceful spot in the trundle she pulled out from underneath Hana's bed.

Ki was sure Lyra had fallen asleep to the light breeze of the fan blowing her face and her humongous fuzzy blanket curled up to her neck.

That left only Ki awake, leaning against the door with no where to go, and no blanket.

She hadn't even thought to bring one when she was packing. She was too busy thinking about what pajamas were socially acceptable to worry about necessities.

Ki awkwardly shifted around in her little corner, scanning the room for another blanket.

She would settle for an empty spot on the floor, if only she could find something to cover herself with.

Apparently, Ki's movement must've woken Lyra.

"Ki? Are you still awake?"

"Yeah. Sorry." Ki whispered, sinking back to her corner.

"No it's okay. I am too." Lyra began to sit up.

"I thought you were asleep."

"Nah my brain won't turn off. All those theories got me thinking." She laughed a little.

"Whatcha thinking about?" Ki leaned her head over on the wall and watched Lyra's silhouette.

"Mostly how the fuck there are so many people that share the same birthday as me. Like I never even thought about it. What if a teacher shares a birthday? What if my neighbor shares a birthday? What if I meet some stranger on the street and we share a birthday? God Ki... what if we share a birthday?!" She whispered.

"October 23rd." Ki replied.

"July 28th."

"Well I guess that settles your theory then."

"There are so many other people to test it on though..." She sighed, looking over to the other sleeping girls.

"Don't think about it too much." Ki softly smiled. "You'll find someone else someday."

Lyra suddenly turned quiet. It was almost as if a switch flipped and she now became a mute, dull being. She looked around the floor as if she was looking for something, but her face carried a look of pain and remorse. Ki didn't understand what had happened. She went from normal Lyra to Shori post-second-season-of-shadowhunters real quick.

"Someone else..." She whispered, not wanting it to be heard.

But Ki did.

She didn't know what it meant, or why Lyra was acting so strange.

"You okay Lyra?" Ki whispered, hoping her question would settle her curiosity.

"Um..." Lyra muttered hesitantly.

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