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bitch #1 👿
heyo my bro is being a dick do you wanna hang after school?

bitch #1 👿
plz I really don't want to see him

bitch #1 👿
I'm begging you

bitch #1 👿
I'll even do your homework

damn, playing the homework card? what did he do this time?


bitch #1 👿
he's fighting with jack again and moms gone all the fucking time so I'm not going home until he goes to work tonight

that's fair, I think andi said we're getting chinese tonight so you're in luck


bitch #1 👿
fuck yes


Andi came home with carryout bags in hand. A blessing straight from the heavens.

Ki and Acacia nearly flipped the couch over as they climbed over the top to run into the kitchen at top speed.

"Woah okay, slow down. You know I get first pick." Andi swung the bags away from the two hungry girls.

"What did you get?" Ki peered into the bag curiously.

"Uh chow mien obviously." He set the bag on the counter, opening it up for them to see the boxes. "And sweet and sour chicken for our lovely second child." He held out a white box to Acacia.

"You remembered!" Acacia beamed as she took the box graciously out of his hands.

"Did you get chicken fried rice?" Ki looked over his shoulder.

"You know your brother would murder me if I didn't." Andi smirked, pulling out two other boxes and handing one to Ki.

"This is why you are my favorite brother in law." Ki smiled picking up a black plastic fork from the bag on the counter.

"Bitch, I am your only brother in law."

"SHORI THERES FOOD DOWN HERE!" Acacia yelled out of nowhere, making both Ki and Andi jump.

"Jesus, Acacia." Ki clenched onto her box.

"You guys ready to spill some tea?" Acacia whispered, bringing her voice down from her absolute loudest.

"Tea? Oooh who is it about?" Andi whispered back, taking out his box of chow mien and another fork.

"You'll find out."

"What kind of tea?" Shori mumbled as he walked into the kitchen yawning.

"The boy drama kind." Acacia tried to intrigue him by using her 'im making this seem interesting' voice.

"Damn, I was hoping for some peppermint."

"Okay first thats gross, that stuff is so strong. Second... Shori I love you." Andi smiled at his fiancée across the kitchen.

"Did you just wake up?" Acacia asked as Shori slowly walked across the kitchen in his sweatpants and worn out karate t-shirt from his and Ki's days in the dojo.

"Um yeah." He rubbed over his face. "I've had a headache since I got back from work."

"Oh, sorry babe. You can go back to sleep right after you eat this lovely chicken fried rice I got you." Andi held out a white styrofoam box identical to Ki's.

"Ooh." Shori's gaze lifted.

"So anyways... y'all wanna hear something I found out today?" Acacia sat down at the table in Andi's normal spot.

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