3♡ The King

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This one is really long.

Word count- 5.9k

Warning: mention of Rape but like in three sentence (not graphic)


"I curse this town from the bottom of my heart! When time comes and the king dies, all of your soul will burn, you'll suffer the way i suffered. This is a curse from Gabriëlle and my king would take revenge" The dying boy said in anger and sadness at the injustice he faced.

The 5'6 king(he's the queen/bottom/) watching from his throne screamed in anger and the inhabitants - who tied a bruised Gabriëlle on a pole to burn him alive after having raped him because he was gay- were horrifed when the soil trembled.

The king's favourite boy of all suffered so much

The king had to watch as all the people forced girl upon Gabriëlle while he was tied, as men thrusted inside of him ignoring his cries.

The king could do nothing unless the boy asked for help.

The boy remembered him and now, Justice would be made.

The boy was still in pain and he was still alive.

To end his suffering, the king killed him in an instant, without pain.

Gabriëlle's soul was now with the king, safe and sound.

"I promise you Gabriëlle, I'll take your revenge" the king said softly and Gabriëlle cried, hugging the king.

The latter just smiled softly

"You're safe now buddy. Here in my kingdom, you'll find love and respect for all that you endured" he said.

Instead of making Gabriëlle take birth once again in his kingdom, he created a body to let Gabriëlle live his life, a better one instead of making him face difficulties over again.

The soil stopped trembling as soon as the Gabriëlle on earth took his last breath. His body went limp.

"See, now that he died, God is happy with us" One of the men in the village said and the whole village cheered.

The king was now angry, no one would appease him, him the mother of all his people, him whose kindness is unlimited and him, whose anger is unending unless justice was made.

"Calm down darling" The king's husband who was the creator of all thing, the 6'4 rightful heir of the throne said in attempt to appease his darling.

He could feel his darling's sadness and anger and that in turn hurt him.

"No! They'll pay" The 5'7 king screamed in anger.

As soon as the inhabitants started cheering, someone screamed when the body they tied started burning

"Who light the Fire? Once dead, if someone lights a fire, it's a sign of purification and that his soul would attain freedom! He was supposed to be punished" the priest growled in anger and suddenly, thunder roared in the sky as a flash of lightning appeared. The fire changed into a sinister being and the flame became blue

"The king shall be born

17 years of badluck bestowed upon this town

The day the king leaves this town

The town would go with him

Bodies would burn

Souls would perish for eternity"

The fire screamed and suddenly, all stopped.

The flame, the thunder, the dark sky vanished.

The inhabitants were all frozen.

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