8♡ Little Alien

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Okay, there's no error with the title (8). And no, no one missed nø 7.

Nö 7 is something else that someone asked me and I'm still working on it so let's skip to number 8

Chase P.O.V


"I choose you Glarg. I'll stay with you" the heroine whispered

"Fucking finally!" I exclaimed when she hugged the alien, kissing the shit out of him. The alien had a human body and was fucking hot but I'm into cute little guys. No, I don't mean young guys I meant short and adorable.

I turned off the t.v when things got heated and the heroine started removing her clothes.

No matter how much I like aliens movies, I'm not ready for straight sex.

I can't say it's disgusting since it's like a straight guy saying gay sex is disgusting.

Well, none of them are disgusting to anyone except to people who are watching either porn for the first time.

For me, straight sex is just not my type.

In case you didn't get it, I'm gay and not bisexual, no matter how much my parents wished for.

My name is Chase Westford and I'm 22 years old. I'm 6'1 with muscles to drool on and I'm a millionaire.

I'm huge with broad shoulder and a fit body. Four years of tough physical activities paid off

I'm not conceited okay?

I'm just stating facts for you guys to decide if you want to read my story or not!

One thing you should know is that I love aliens. I was the nerd of the class and got bullied. I was taller than my bullies but I was the scrawny defenceless gay guy. I started changing my physique since I was 17 but my love for science fiction hasn't really changed.

Till now, I still watch kids and supernatural movies- nerd indeed- but if I ever see a romance story, I'll puke.

I hate love and I'm a bitter person since all my life, I was rejected. Now that I'm fit, many people who used to look at me in disgust are after me and I hated it. I don't even know who wants me for my boring self or who wants me for my money!

I hate everybody on Earth.

All of them were fake people wanting to get on my good side so that I didn't fire them. I have never been with any woman or guy ever. I was cold towards everyone and I was labelled the

'Hot mysterious Millionaire' in the newspaper title.

I'm the youngest to have achieved such a position but to be honest, I just know how to manipulate people and can be really convincing. I own many enterprises across the world yet, I haven't even had my first kiss!

Yeah, I'm a boring guy, you can skip my story if you want.

I wonder what I have planned for me?


I was in my bed reading a book when I heard noises outside. A flash illuminated the sky and I covered my eyes at its intensity. When I uncovered my eyes, the flash was gone.

Maybe there was an alien apparition?

Don't be stupid Chase, you're not that dumb to know alien doesn't exist.

I rolled my eyes at my conscious for breaking my dream before going back to sleep

The next morning when I stirred, I felt a warm object on my legs. I blinked before getting up. I froze from what I saw.

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