53. Not So Straight- Part 2

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I clenched my fist and called my dad, tyring to not cry

"Hey dad, I'm not feeling good, can you send someone to fetch me?" I asked

"You're ill? I'm in a meeting close to your school. Give me 5 minutes, I'll be there" He said, hanging the call before I could say anything

Shit, now I disturbed my dad because of a stupid heart break

I texted my friends saying that I was unwell and when My dad came, He looked really concerned

"What wrong Ralf? Are you okay?" he asked as I got inside the car

"Just a stupid crush breaking ny heart" I muttered and he sighed

"Hugo?" He said softly and I nodded

"I always thought he didn't say anything to my flirting because he liked me but it wasn't the case. His dad told him not to piss me off. I'm feeling guilty because I practically made him uncomfortable because of my stupid hope that he want straight. Gosh, I feel so stupid"I muttered groggily and dad sighed

"Hey, don't blame yourself okay? You couldn't have known. It's good that you came to know the truth. You deserve more than that stupid straight guy" He said and I smiled slightly

"Thanks dad. I'm sorry if you're ashamed of my behaviour. I shouldn't have went after a straight guy" I whispered and dad comfortingly squeezed my leg

"I will never be ashamed of your behaviour unless you rape someone" He said and I smiled

"Thanks Dad, I won't rape anyone, I'm not that much of a freak to think that someone is enjoying themselves when they aren't" I muttered in disgust, disgust towards every fucked up rapist who think their victims are enjoying it when they say no.

If Hugo would have told me no from the start, I would have stopped but turns out that he wanted to say no from the beginning

When I went home, Rafaël immediately hugged me tight with his small, frail arms and I chuckled

"I'll allow you to fulfil your incest kink today to make you feel better" He mumbled and I rolled my eyes, picking him up

"For the last time Rafaël , you're ny precious brother, okay? I don't see you in a sexual way and never will" I cooed, pecking his cheeks and he giggled, starting to press kisses on my cheeks

"Stay at home with me tomorrow! "Rafaël ordered and I smiled

"Okay"I shrugged

"Should I put guards around to make sure that you guys aren't going to fuck each other in my absence?" Dad asked, coming into the room and Rafaël pouted

"Daddy, there goes my plan of having sex with my brother" Rafaël whined making both dad and I chuckle

We may joke about it but the mere thought of fucking my brother makes me wanna puke.

I know it's the same for Rafaël.

I mean, I'm not against incest for others, but I'm not into incest.

The next day, Rafaël and I had a horror movie marathon with my friends texting me to ask if I was okay

From London:

Awe, your Hugo looks like he misses you!!! He came to ask us about you and looked down when we told him that you weren't at school today

A small smile tugged at my lips

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