54. You Are Beautiful

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When I woke up, I could see my blurry bangs on my face and I sighed

I pushed my hair back, sat up and winced as my eyes hurt a bit

I stared at the wall and cupped my head, tears filling my eyes

It hurts, my head hurts

I could barely see the wall since it was too blurry

I had around 2 surgeries done to my eyes and it got better slightly but not how I expected

I wore my glasses and got up, staring at the ground

Everything around me was silent and the ground seemed like it was spinning.

I could hear the faint sound of the fan,keeping me sane.

I waited for the effect to tone down before waking towards my dresser.

I heard the faint sound of a honk and took a deep breath, deep to be able to hear it clearly.

I took my hearing aids and wore them, staring at my reflection in the mirror

As soon as I did, I closed my eyes, sighing in relief when I could hear the wind blowing and the sound of my own heartbeat

I had Strabismus, Esotropia and my left eye was affected.

My left eye looked right while my right eye was normal.

People used to make fun of me because of that

My best friend told me it was because they were jealous and mean assholes

I don't know why they should be jealous though

I had an ugly shade of brown hair and pale green eyes.

I had to wear strong glasses so that I could see and not to mention, I had to wear hearing aids too because both of my ears didn't function that well.

However, I was grateful that I wasn't completely deaf.

I hated silence.

I can hear faint sounds but my hearing aids made it better

Everytime I stared at my face, I feel a bit down because I didn't like what I see

For my own sake and with the encouragement of my friends,

I no longer considered myself as ugly.

I still didn't love myself.

I don't consider myself as ugly but rather....Unattractive

However, thanks to my friends, even if I haven't learnt to love myself yet, I don't hate myself either

I only hope that one day, someone will make me see my internal beauty

Till then, I have to not let myself get depressed anymore

I have to get better, not worse.

I sighed and smiled at myself in the mirror 

No bad thought, Warrior

I thought to myself

Yeah, no bad thoughts

I suddenly giggled at my own name


My parents named me Warrior because I fought hard to stay alive.

I was born with some complications and yet, I survived.

I was their little warrior.

Even if I was 22-years-old , they still accompanied to every medical check-up

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