55. Hero My Dream Guy- 2

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Hi guys, The thing is, I wanted to merge part 3 too but I don't have time to work on it so, I'm separating them

Here's part 2 for the time being. I'm sorry, I'm busy with school and all and every time I try to write, I fall asleep





It's been a month since I've been dating Hero and everyone at school came to know about it

They weren't threatening me like I expected but I felt more attention towards me and I was uncomfortable

But, dating Hero was worth it because he's amazing and treats me really well

Sometimes, I freak out at how well our relationship is going but then I remembered that I was the one who think that our relationship is good, but, what about Hero?

I really like him and sure, he did ask me out but am I that important to him?

"Hey Samuel, Can I get your physics copybook? I didn't quite take notes of what happened yesterday..." James, one of my classmates asked and I rose an eyebrow

"let me guess, too busy staring at the teacher's front package?" I teased and he smiled

"Nope, I was sleeping! Her 'package' wasn't that interesting and she doesn't have what I want in someone" He said

"What should the person you want have?" I asked as I searched for my physics copybook in my bag

"A dick and a flat chest" He said proudly and I snorted, giving him the copybook

"What do I get?" I asked, wiggling the copybook in front of him and he smirked

"I'll treat you tomorrow, after school!" He said and I grinned, giving him what he wanted

"Deal" I cheered and he laughed

"Thanks Samuel, you're a real sweetheart!" He said before ruffling my hair, walking away

I pouted and flattened my hair, trying to make it neat

I looked down, about to remove my phone when someone lifted my chin up

"let me help you" Hero whispered, running his fingers through my hair and I clutched the strap of my bags, letting him neaten my hair

Him running his fingers made me really sleepy

"There you go, baby! You're looking extra cute today" Hero complimented before pecking my cheeks

I pushed my glasses and looked down shyly

"T-Thank you, y-you're pretty too" I whispered in embarrassment and Hero pinched my red cheeks, tucking my hair behind my ears. He made sure to pay attention to my glasses and pushed it up my nose since it was falling down

"Hm, this glass suits you really well! Baby, I want to invite you at my place tonight" Hero said cheerily and I quickly looked at him with wide eyes

"T-Today?" I stuttered and he nodded

"Yup! You're the first one I'll ever bring! You're really special to me, my sweet baby and I want you to spend time with me. Don't worry, my parents are out for business and they'll return in 2 month" He said and I felt my heart flutter

I am special to him?

"O-okay, let me Inform my parents" I whispered and he nodded

"Please, don't look too cute okay? I promised myself that we won't do anything but you're testing my patience with your cute reactions! Bye Samuel, see you later" He teased before walking away while I groaned, pouting to myself

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