32. Killers

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Hey guys, if you're confused, feel free to ask question as the plot goes on. I'll maybe answer it tomorrow because it's late. The plot may be confusing and if it doesn't make sense, tell me!


"My King, we have another letter" The general said and North sighed

"What does it state?" The king questioned and the general opened the letter

'Dear Killers, My dad has been abusing my mom since forever. We can't go to the police because he is the chief and can easily get rid of the proofs. We can't kill him either because I don't want to go to hell when all my life, I've tried so hard to get at least a place in heaven. My rank is at #58444 and I'm eligible for heaven, that is, I'm under #60000. If I kill him, I will get to hell and I don't want to because there's someone waiting for me there. My dad killed him too when he found out that I loved him. His last words were that he was waiting for me in heaven. As per the book I read, writing to you will cost me #2 ranks and you killing him won't affect my rank. I am begging you, please, help me'

The general read flatly and The king closed his eyes. He took a breath and his heart broke when he saw the state of the boy while he was writing the letter. He was crying and looked so scared and disappointed. The boy seemed around 17 and even though he was tall and looked like he couldn't cry, his pain was real.

The king opened his eyes and sighed. Everyone thought it was boredom but it wasn't.

He didn't like to display his emotions and everyone thought he was heartless. What none of them knew was that he grieved every single person who wrote him a letter.

This world worked differently. People received ranks which state whether they would go to hell, heaven or take birth again. Those ranked under #60000 will go to heaven, those above #100000 will go to hell and those in between will be born again.

When a child is born, his rank is what it was in the previous birth.

The killers were a group of immortals who took contract from others to kill. God himself made them and the king North was the one who took decisions because he was one among God's 10 children. The way they killed was simple. They use a knife to pierce the prey's heart and If the prey dies by this knife, everyone will forget that this person ever existed except for the person who wrote the letter.

However, if while trying to kill the prey and the latter saw the killer in action, the knife will disintegrate and the killer will become a mortal. He would have to live on earth and suffer.

"Who can we send, my king? None of our killers have returned from their missions yet and you know that if we don't send anyone before 12 hours, we will never be able to go unless the person writes again which will never happen" The general said

"I am here!" An excited voice squeaked and everyone turned to look at young Mason who had a big smile on his face. The king stiffened and his heart clenched as fear filled his body.

"No" He refused flatly and Mason's smile died. His lips wobbled and he stomped his foot on the ground.

"But North, I want to have my first kill" He whined and everyone flinched when their king glared at him

"You're too young for this, Mason. No means no. You will never be a killer" The king said and Mason frowned

"Young? But I'm 100 years old!" He exclaimed and the king rose an eyebrow

"Yeah and you're still 5'5 in 100 years. I'm 28,000 years old, Mason, 28,000. You're so young compared to me" The king said

"My King, with all due respect, I know you don't trust Mason but-"

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