40. My 6'1 Nerd

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The idea wasn't mine but it wasn't a request either! Credit at the end of the story because I'm posting the conversation I had with BULLETPROOFARMY1237, which contains spoiler about the story, that's why it's at the end

I hope you don't mind me posting the convo, I'll delete it if you want, I just wanted to give you credit.



"Hey nerd, nice shirt! Did you find it from the museum because it looks like something you'd have found in the 12th century" Boris shouted and Mike blushed in embarrassment, his ears turning pink.

He ignored them and stuffed his earphone, staring at the window. I turned down the noisy commotion and laughs besides me to stare at Mike. He was 6'1 tall and had defined muscles. He worked out sometimes, does a morning jog everyday and of course, he loves book. Most of the time, the tall handsome boy would smile, deeply invested in his reading.

I was the football captain and openly gay.

No one was really homophobic but they liked to pick on students who don't answer back when they were insulted. They never hurt Mike and If they ever tried to, my fist would kick their face because he was boyfriend!

Nerd and jock don't really make a good pair in school and both of us agreed that we wanted to be discreet about our relationship. I kind of wanted to tell everyone that this handsome and sweet boy was my boyfriend.

He had gorgeous curly black hair,  soft chocolate eyes and a gorgeous light brown skin. He was so sexy with plump lips and had a tattoo on his chest that only I was aware of.

"Why are you looking at the nerd?" Boriss asked in confusion and I glared at him

"Because he's gorgeous, I'm gay remember? I like his type" I said flatly and he rolled his eyes

"You're taller and way sexier than him, I thought you were supposed to like cute twinks with round ass" Boris teased and I chuckled, playfully ruffling his hair

No matter how much of an asshole Boris was, he was my greatest supported.

I felt uncomfortable when the guys would talk about girls they fucked and Boris was the only one who would show me that he was okay with my sexuality. He wouldn't hesitate to remove this clothes in front of me. He even asked me if he had a nice ass that I fantasised about. He has a girlfriend and he's loyal. He's a good guy if you ignore his teasing. He never hurts Mike, so, I don't really interphere. I asked Mike if I should but he said that even he gets embarrassed, Boris' creativity with insults was funny.

"Don't stereotype me" I said and he laughed.

I sighed and turned to look at Mike seeing him narrow his eyes at us.

When he saw me, I winked at him and he blushed, having been caught staring at me

I chuckled and Boris cleared his throat

"Saw that" He taunted and I smiled, shaking my head.

Class was finally over and I was going for football training.

I saw Mike at his locker, taking his things out. He was talking to a cute little guy who was blushing making me clench my fist. I walked towards them, glared at the boy who paled before tapping Mike's shoulder

"If you don't mind, I'll like to talk to him" I spat to the boy who let out a squeak before nodding. He pushed this glasses and rushed away while Mike looked at me with a raised eyebrow

"What was that about?" He asked with a frown, looking at me in innocence and I frowned

"He was all over you" I mumbled in annoyance and the shy nerd smirked. He looked around and when he noticed that there was no one, he gently cupped my cheeks making me stiffen. He softly grazed my cheeks making me close my eyes

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