Kisame x reader part 2

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The Face That Rivals Kisame's Ass!

It's been two months since you and Kisame have met. True to his words, his encounter with you bloomed into a beautiful friendship. Kisame loves to tease you of your height and in return you kick him in the balls. Kisame still wonders how your little body holds so much fury.

You loved to hang out with Kisame. He was funny and cool, not to mention ridiculously handsome! Never have I seen a man so handsome like Kisame! Those abs, muscles, and that ass tho! If I could I would jump him and ask him to take me there right now, I would. But that would make our friendship awkward if he were to say no. While you were starring at his ass again, you didn't notice the mysterious man walking towards you and Kisame.

" Is this where you go in your free time, Kisame?" The mysterious man asked startling you in the process. You quickly swam behind Kisame for protection.

" Oh hey Itachi! What are you doing here?" Kisame asked.

" I was curious where you wonder off to after missions." Itachi stated. " who's the small girl behind you?"

You immediately got angry when the man named itachi called you small! How dare he!?!? Who does this man think he is!
No longer scared of the man you stomp your way towards him. Your face showing your anger. You point your finger at him ready to shout at him but you stop when you take a good look of his face.

" Holy crap your freaking handsome." You  said covering your nosebleed.

Itachi lightly chuckles at your words while Kisame scowls at your words and at Itachi.

" Thank you. My names Itachi and yours is...?" He asked.

" o-oh! My name is y/n! I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that out really sorry."  You said, covering your face with your hands. Not again! Must I embarrass myself afront of every man whose been blessed by god himself?!!

" do you need anything Itachi?!?" Kisame askd rudely. What's up his ass? You thought.

" Not as of right now. Do you mind if i take a swim?" Itachi asked. Before Kisame  could say anything you said," Oh we don't mind! The more the merrier!" You said smiling. Itachi nods at your words.

You were starring at Itachi intensely, waiting for him to take off his clothes. He could be hiding a killer body underneath his clothes. As he was about to take off his shirt Kisame made a small wave to take you down.

" Kisame what the fuck was that for!" You shouted at him in anger.

" I just wanted some fun." He said chuckling at your drenched form.

" Kisame don't be so harsh on her. You could've injured her." Itachi said scolding Kisame. You turn around to see Itachi and you look at him in awe. He has a freaking 6-pack! It's not as hot as Kisame's ass tho. I think Kisame's has a better 6-pack tho. Let me check. You face Kisame to see his 6-pack but see a slightly angered Kisame.

" You should stop checking us out, you little pervert." Kisame said harshly.

"Stop calling me little! And don't call me a pervert it's embarrassing!" You shouted him.

" Fine, I'll stop calling you a pervert. I'll call you a little slut. I bet you get wet by every man you me-" Kisame said before getting slapped in the face by you.

" DONT CALL ME A LITTLE SLUT YOU BASTARD!!! I DONT KNOW WHATS UP YOUR ASS TODAY BUT YOU BETTER FIGURE IT OUT. I WONT TALK TO YOU UNTIL YOU DO!" You yelled angrily at Kisame, catching him by surprise. He's never seen you so angry before. His heart drops once he sees your face. Tears were strolling down your face, your face was red with anger.

" I'm sorry Itachi you had to see my little outburst. Good bye." You said sadly, walking out of the lake and grabbing your stuff before leaving. Kisame didn't say anything he just watched your figure leave.

" Kis-"

" Don't say anything Itachi." Kisame said.

" but you need to hear this. I'm not trying to take any advances towards y/n, so please don't think that. You need to control your anger better, if you don't it will be your downfall. Next time you see y/n you need to apologize to her. Next time don't use such harsh language towards her." Itachi stated, walking out of the lake and putting his clothes back on.

" Hmmm. Your right. Thank you Itachi." Kisame said.

" If I were you i would stop calling y/n small.Not only does she get triggered but you can tell in her eyes that she's hurt. It might've been something in the past that caused this. Goodbye Kisame." Itachi said before leaving Kisame alone with his thought.

How do I tell her that I love her?

A/n: i might post part 3 later today or tomorrow. I hope you enjoyed this.

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