Zetsu x curious reader part 3

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A/n: this became more of a yandere Zetsu x reader rather than a x curious reader. But I like where this is heading tho. Next part will hopefully be the last.

When 'tobi' had threatened you to stay stay away from Zetsu or you'll "pray the price", you were terrified for your own safety. Instead of wishing for Zetsu to visit, you prayed he didn't. You were barely at home, working overtime and hanging out with friends constantly. Trying your best to forget about Zetsu and to get over him.

A month since you last encountered Zetsu you had met a man named r/n. He made you forget about Zetsu. He was kind, a charming, a real flirt, and an extremely funny guy. You felt yourself to fall in love with him. What you didn't know was Zetsu had been watching you from afar for the past month.

For the past month he had noticed you were never home when he came to visit. At the 15th try he went to search for you in the village. When he had found you, you were sitting in a bench in a park alone. He planned on going up to you and greet you until he saw a rather good looking man come up to you with ice cream. He saw you smile brightly and for an odd reason he felt his heart throb, not in a good way. Instead of going up he watched from afar. You were so affectionate toward r/n. Hugging him constantly, playing with his hair, and sometimes kissing him on the cheeks or forehead.

Zetsu felt himself get angry and sad over time. He wanted to be the reason you smiled, he wanted to be the reason why your eyes sparkled with happiness. Soon he had enough from watching afar and decided to talk to you.

It was late at night and the sky was dark. You were currently on your way home from a bar which you and r/n had just been. You heard a branch snap behind you. You quickly turned around and were met with Zetsu.

" Z-Zetsu?" You whispered. Your eyes filled with fear which didn't go unnoticed by him.

" It's been a long time since we talked, how've you been?" He asked, walking closer to you.

" Why are you here? Why are you out here in the dark?" You asked.

" Why haven't you been at your house lately? Always arriving late at night...Always hanging out with that man... r/n is it?"

" How do you know that? Have you been stalking me?" You asked terrified.

Zetsu didn't answer you and only walked closer to you, which made you walk even further away from him.

" Stay away Zetsu! Don't walk any closer! Stop! I'm not playing around!" You screamed. Zetsu ignored your pleads and continued walk closer to you.

" We just wanna be friends again...You can ask us questions like you usually do...We don't mind..." Zetsu exclaimed, spreading out his arms for a hug. " Hug us like you did before, We missed your touch..." His smile was wicked, he was going insane.

" Stay away! I don't wanna be friends anymore!! Just please leave me alone! I hate you!" You sobbed. You backed up into a tree, Zetsu took advantage and slammed his hands on either side of your head. His face right a front of yours, nose touching yours. You stared into his eyes, they screamed insanity. This was no longer the Zetsu you knew.

His hand caressed your cheek, wiping away your tears. He leaned down for a kiss on your cheek. You only closed your eyes and cried. Suddenly Zetsu was hit from behind and knocked unconscious.

R/n was holding a stone from the ground and looked you in the eyes to see if you were okay. You cried tears of joy and ran to him. He wrapped his arms around your body. " Y-you forgot your keys... so I came back to look for you... Thank god I did. Are you okay?" He asked. Eyeing you up and down, searching for any injuries. You shook your head no and continued to cry in his chest. He picked you up and carried you away.

Neither of you were ninjas and didn't have the courage to kill Zetsu so you left the scene as soon as possible. Entering the village, r/n looked for ninja to take care of Zetsu. When the ninja went back to look he reported back to you that Zetsu was no longer there. Terrified for your lives you and r/n decided to leave the village and get as far as you can possibly can.


Zetsu woke up angered and filled with rage. Instead of searching for you he went back to the base in search for Obito.

" How do you make a woman love you?"

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