Deidara x princess reader part 2

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A/n So we finally reached 1k reads!!!!! This is amazing!!!! Thank you guys so much! I'll try to post more often. Please leave any request you would like done for future stories in the comments. If you feel uncomfortable commenting you can message me personally and I will write your request.

You were currently roaming around the hideout. trying to figure out where everything is located. You already knew where the bathroom was because Deidara had shown you. You were looking for the kitchen because you wanted food. You turn around the corner and bump into someone. They grab you by the waist as to hold you in place so you wouldn't fall. You look up to see a man with black eyes and hair. He had stress marks under his eyes. But that didn't make him any less handsome.

" I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to bump into you." You apologize while bowing. He gives a small smile and says, " It's all right. My name is Itachi Uchiha."

" You probably already know mine but it's y/n l/n."

" Correct me if I'm wrong but are you looking for something? You look a little lost."

" Oh I am. I'm looking for the kitchen." You say. Itachi nods and says to follow him. He leads you to the small kitchen and thank him. You open the fridge and suddenly realize you can't cook. The chefs at the palace always made your food and there was no reason for you to cook. Itachi notices your face and realizes what's wrong. " Can you cook y/n?"

You shamelessly shake your head no. He chuckles," It's all right I'll show you how to make eggs. Is that alright with you?"
You say yes and Itachi proceeds to show you how.

Deidara and Sasori were currently yelling at each other about trivial things. Deidara got tired of Sasori's attitude and goes to the kitchen to eat something and the sight a front of him got him boiling with anger. Itachi was behind you,leaning over you holding the spatula with your hands underneath his and the pan handle as well. He sees Itachi whisper something in your ear and you giggle with a slight blush on your cheeks.

You felt the presence of somebody else and turn to your right and see A very angry looking Deidara. " Is everything all right Deidara? You seem a little angry." You say worriedly.

" Everything is all right, un." Deidara says through gritted teeth. You were about to say something until Itachi said it was time to flip the egg. You go ahead to try to flip the egg without Itachi's help and you smile happily when you did it correctly.

" Oh my gosh I did it!! Did you see that! Thank you very much Itachi!" You say happily and unconsciously hug him. He tenses at your touch and you quickly pull away. " I'm sorry Itachi. I didn't mean to."

" It's alright. You might want to take off that egg of the pan because it might start to burn soon." You eyes widen you hurriedly try to do as he says.

After talking a bit more with Itachi while eating your egg you both give your farewells and go separarte ways. You were currently heading back to your room to relax. You open the door and enter the room and see Sasori working with a puppet and Deidara sculpting something. You go to Deidara and see his clay sculpture of a bird.

" That's beautiful Deidara." He only hums at your comment, obviously still angry. You obviously notice his angry state and proceed to leave him alone. You lay on the bed and notice you were still wearing Deidara clothes from the night before.

Suddenly Tobi waltz in and talks to Deidara, oblivious to his angry state.

"Hey Tobi! Could you come here?" You ask, trying to get Tobi away from Deidara before something goes wrong. Tobi perks up to your voice and runs to you and jumping on the bed. You giggle at his childish actions.

Akatsuki x Reader One-shots (DISCONTINUED)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara