Deidara x princess reader part 1

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A/n Please request something!!! I'm running out of ideas!!! Please don't be shy I won't judge!! If you do request something please request something that follows the rules.


I am currently tied up to a chair and blindfolded. This could go two ways. I get raped by my captors or they are using me as a hostage. This wouldn't be the first time. My family is known royalty. We have so much money we don't know what to spend it on. Not only are we rich we are powerful because of our kekkei genkai .

I hear the door open and multiple footsteps follow. I'm guessing it's more then one person. But how many are there?

" It seems you are finally awake. We just want to talk" A loud and affirmative voice says.

" How many of you are there?" I ask lacking emotion.

" Ten." The voice replies.

" You can talk to each other then. Just tell me how much money you want and my family will pay for it." I said.

" We are not after your money. Well not as of right now. We want you to join us. Your kekkai genkai is extremely powerful. Having you joining us will benefit us greatly."

" Hmmmm.... I dont know.... I barely know how to use my kekkei genkai. I would just hold you all back." I said.

" We would train you and help you understand and control your kekkai genkai."

Honestly you were considering their proposal. Life in the palace was boring. Always getting what you want,being pampered, not worrying about your future because everything was already planned for you, it was awful. You wanted to earn it. You wanted the thrill of not knowing what's going to happen next. Knowing you could die any moment. You craved it, you needed it.

" I will join you under one condition. No harm should happen to my family and my people. Just because I'm leaving them doesn't mean I don't care about them. Am I understood?"

" Understood. Deidara untie her." I feel a pair of hands untie the blindfold that are covering my eyes. The blindfold falls to my lap and see a blonde standing a front of me.

" Sorry if this question offends you but are you a female or male. You have way too flat of a chest to be a female. But you also look feminine."

The blonde's face turns to red from anger and embarrassment. " I'm a man!!!!,un" Deidara shouts. You can hear the others chuckling at the scene. You burrow your eyebrows and narrow your eyes at them.

" It's not nice to laugh at your fellow comrade. Each of you have a flaw I could easily exploit and embarrass you. So watch yourself." You say examining each Akatsuki member, making them squirm under your gaze.

You turn to Deidara and bow, and apologize, " I'm sorry Deidara. I didn't mean to embarrass you. If any of them make fun of you because of my question please tell me so I can handle the situation."

" Hmmm. I don't need a mere spoiled women coming to my aid. I can do it myself,un." Deidara said arrogantly.

" Deidara and Sasori, y/n will be staying in your room. So please get along with each other. I don't want any unnecessary drama." Pein says. " You two are also in charge of showing her around." As soon as he finishes everybody files out leaving you,Deidara and a red headed male who you think is Sasori.

" Great another brat I need to take care of.   Follow me." Sasori says.

You follow him with Deidara trailing behind you. You enter a room half clean half messy. You sweat drop at the sight. Oh boy. The clean side was organized, tools neatly put away and puppets put in place. The other side was covered in cracks. White gooey stuff on the ground.I hope it's not what I think it is. You say looking at the white stuff. The Bed not done and clothes on the ground.

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