Hanahaki Disease-Itachi

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Hanahaki Disease- An illness caused by one-sided love, the affected throws up/coughs up flower petals when they suffer from one-sided love. It can be removed through surgery, but the feelings disappear along with the petals.

Italics: Events that happened in the past

" Hey wanna be friends?" You asked with a bright smile on your face to the raven haired kid. He was sitting under a tree with a book. He seemed sad and lonely if he was reading a book when recess was going on, well at least to you. You were a hyperactive kid that loved running around so you didn't understand why you would want to read a book during your free time when you could be running around.

" No" the boy replied without taking a glance at you. Your smile turned to a pout at his rejection. " B-But why? Aren't you lonely reading your book?" You asked with your hands on your hips.

" No. This book is very interesting and it's great company." He turned a page and continued to read.

You were confused on how a book could be so great. It's just words on a page. You sat down beside him and peeked over his shoulder trying to take a glance at his book. Itachi noticed you were struggling to see what he was reading so he put the book between you. You held onto one side while he held on to the other.

" What is it about?" You asked as you scanned the words on the page.

" A princess needing saving from a prince"

" Why does the princess need saving! She should help herself!" You fumed at the thought of a man saving a women when women are capable of helping themselves.

" I wasn't finished. As the book goes on she realizes she doesn't need nor has the patience to wait for a prince to save her, she could do it herself. She finds her true self and what she's capable of throughout the story."

" Whoa! That is cool! Could you read to me?" You asked as your eyes beamed with amazement.


Itachi coughed as more flower petals drenched in blood kept piling onto the sink. Tears fell down his cheek as he tried to hold in the coughs. The pain in his chest unbearable. He felt like he was being suffocated. He wanted it to end. He wanted you to love him again but he knew it's not going to happen. He didn't want to stop loving you. He knew he deserved all the pain for what he has done.

It's been years since he started coughing up flower petals. It's been years since he massacred the Uchiha clan. The petals appeared the day after the fateful night. It was late at night when they first appeared. He was asleep when he started to cough them up. He looked down to what he had coughed up and he cried the entire night when he saw the flower petals. He was heartbroken.


" Itachi is my best friend" Shisui said as he tugged Itachi towards him.

" No he's my best friend!" You shouted back as you tried to tug Itachi back to you but failed, Shisui had the upper hand when it came to strength. Shisui laughed at your failed attempt. You continued to tug and Shisui loosened his hold on Itachi just to watch you strongly tug at him again and Itachi falling over on top of you.

Your head was about to hit the ground until Itachi placed his hand under it. Your faces were mere inches away.

" Ooooo~ are you two going to kiss?" Shisui teased as you shoved Itachi off of you. " Shut up Shisui!" As you chased him leaving Itachi with his thoughts.

I want to kiss her


Itachi knew he was going to lose to the disease soon, it was a matter of time. He was no longer coughing up flower petals but full on flowers.

" How long have you stood there." Itachi asked as he wiped the blood off his lips.

" Enough to be amused at your suffering." Obito replied as he stood by the doorframe with his arms crossed. He walked closer to Itachi. He looked down to the sink and let out a pitiful laugh. " Teleflora's Rose? The irony. You do know they represent sorrow and grief. They suit you."

Itachi glared back. " What kind of flower did you cough up when Rin was in love with Kakashi?" Obito clenched his fists and his body went stiff. " Pein sama told Tobi to tell Itachi Senpai has a mission with Kisame Senpai!" Obito said, turning into Tobi before skipping away.


You and Itachi pulled apart. The string of Saliva connecting you both. You looked at Itachi's eyes as he looked into yours.

" I love you too." You whispered before kissing him again. Itachi smiled into the kiss.


Itachi watched through your window as you continued to write late at night. He continued to watch over you once in awhile even though you held no romantic feelings towards him.

He watched as you dipped your pen in the ink jar and continued writing. On some days tears ran down your cheeks and other days you harshly gripped your pen to the point it snapped.

The nights you aren't home were the nights you were hanging out with friends and at those nights He'd sneak into your home and read your writing. He knew it was wrong to invade your privacy but he didn't know when Sasuke or the disease would kill him. He didn't believe he would live long enough before you publish your book.

As he read your book the realization you kept your promise as kids dawned on him. You promised you would write a book about him. But neither you or Itachi envisioned the type of book would be filled with hatred rather than love.

You hated how you still felt attached to Itachi but not in the romantic aspect. You hated him with every fiber in your being. You hated how he took everything from you. Your parents were killed by him. Your friends were killed by him. Your happiness was taken from you by him! He left Sasuke to you. You didn't hate Sasuke but hated how his appearance resembled Itachi too much. You wanted to release all this emotion and you did it through writing. This book was your goodbye to Itachi for good.

Itachi read your book not noticing you were returning home. The way you wrote made the book hard to put down. He only noticed you were home when you spoke to him. " If you've been reading my book I don't know why you keep coming back." Itachi coughed up another flower and watched as it fell to the floor." You know I hate you. You know the book is about how I hate you so much so why do you come back and read it?" Itachi placed the book back on your workshop and walked to the window to leave. Before he left he looked back to you with a kind smile. " Because I love you."


" Im sorry Sasuke, there won't be a next time." Itachi croaked out before giving out his last words as a cough struck him. Sasuke watched as Itachi fell to the ground and with a flower laying to the side.

A/n: Hopefully this wasn't too hard to understand/read. I felt like trying something new like switching back and forth from memories to the present.

I'll be writing a Hanahaki disease scenario for each character. Some characters' chapters will be kept short while others will be relatively long. It just depends on the scenarios I have on mind while writing them.

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