Zetsu x curious reader

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A/n: black Zetsu is going to be in bold while white Zetsu is going to be in Italics.

Got a request? Don't be shy and comment below. Also I'll be editing previous chapters, fixing grammar or spelling errors.

"I'm hungry." Black Zetsu muttered, his eyes scanning for his next victim. " I am too...." White Zetsu Said.

Zetsu was currently walking through a forest, looking for their next victim, and it just so happened you were in the same forest as them, five feet away, fighting off a drunk.

" Please sir, please stop." You begged as tears streamed down your face. The man was tugging down your skirt as you were trying your best to push him off. " Someone help me!"

Zetsu heard your cries and went to investigate , hoping there was an unfortunate soul to satisfy their hunger. He saw a man towering over a woman and decided to lunge at the man, as he was the closest, and bit at his neck.

The man yelled out in fear and in pain. Zetsu ate away while you were sliding down the tree astonished at the events happening before your eyes.

Zetsu wiping off the blood of his mouth with his arm looked towards you, "It's rude to stare. It's making me uncomfortable."

Finally getting to your senses you said, " Y-you ate him????"

"Isn't it obvious?"

" Thank you."

"What??" Zetsu asked confused. Never had someone thanked them for eating another man.

" I said thank you! You saved me! Here let me...." you said reaching out to their face, you wiped off the blood that was resting on the corner of their lips. Zetsu pulled away from your touch, confused and flustered.

" What's the thing around you? Is it a Venus trap?" You asked touching and tugging it. " Oh and are you a cannibal? Is that why you ate him?" You said looking down at the bones and flesh. 

" shut up!" Black Zetsu shouted at you. " don't be so rude! She is only curious. Sorry for his behavior, he's always like this." White Zetsu explained.

You only stared back with your eyes even wider and with more questions running through your head. " Are you two different people?? Is that why you are half Black and half white???" You asked. " Ahhhh so many questions!!!!" You yelled.

"She's nuts. Let's go." Black Zetsu Said. "Do we have to??? She seems nice."

" Do you want to go to my house and have some tea and talk?"

"no, Yes!"

Short story short Zetsu went to your house. You asked so many questions which white Zetsu answered. You showed no boundaries, you asked questions that were personal. " So if you two split do you both have half of a penis? Or how does this work?"

As you two talked, you lost track of time.
" Oh my look at the time! Do you have anywhere to be?"

" Yes." Zetsu replied. " Sorry but I have to get going." White Zetsu Said, making his way to the door only to be stopped by a tug. He turned around and you were holding his hand, stopping him.

" Wait! One more question."

" What?!" Black Zetsu asked, clearly annoyed.

" what's your name?"

Akatsuki x Reader One-shots (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now