Hidan x kind reader part 1

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A/n: Not a request but it was an idea I couldn't shake off. Part 2 will hopefully be up tomorrow.

You and Hidan knew each other since you were kids. You followed Hidan around ever since he fought off your bullies that have been bothering you. In your eyes he was a hero. As the both of you grew you took care of him, wether it was tending to his wounds or steering him off of trouble you were there for him. But there was always some things you couldn't stop him from doing. One of them being a follower of Jashin.

When you heard Hidan had massacred his neighbors and fled the village you quickly went off to search for him. Knowing him you quickly ran to the neighboring village and found him in a bar. Grabbing him by the ear you dragged him away from the bar and into the forest and gave him an earful. He sat down on a boulder while you screamed at him. Cursing him out which was a first since you never cursed.

" You fucking piece of shit! You idiot. Why would you do such a thing!! At least you could have runaway to a more secluded area not right next to the village where you just committed murder!!....." your hands made motions in the air which symbolized your emotions.

Hidan zoned out in midway and watched your body. He never noticed how much you've changed since the both of you were kids. Your breasts grew and were now big and plumply, he wanted to squeeze them and have them in his hands. Your hair had grown. Your body had slimmed, you were no longer taller than him, you now reached to his chest. Your lips were much fuller and soft looking, he wanted to kiss you right there. He continued to admire your beauty while you ranted.

His thoughts came into an end when you had pulled him into a tight hug and cried into his neck. " Don't you ever leave me! I don't know what I would do without you...."

" Don't worry stupid. I won't leave you not after that long lecture."

-Time skip-

When the Akatsuki had found you and Hidan and asked Hidan to join them and he refused you had become worried. You knew he was strong but not strong enough to take down 4 of them. When Hidan and the tanned man started to fight you had started to worry even more. To preoccupied you failed to notice the other 3 Akatsuki members coming from behind you and using you as a hostage against Hidan.

When Hidan noticed you were in trouble he stopped fighting and reluctantly agreed to join. You still beat yourself up over this. Maybe if you were more useful you and Hidan wouldn't have joined the Akatsuki.

-Mini Timeskip-

When you and Hidan were being introduced to the other members you tightly clutched onto Hidan's shirt. Some members looked up and down your body with lust in their eyes and some others with sympathy.

Not knowing how to fight you helped around the base in anyway you could. After time you had grown to love the other members. After awhile their lustful gazes had gone away. You had grown close to the quiet Uchiha, the obnoxious bomber, and the loud and energetic Tobi.

Itachi was always there when you needed help when Hidan wasn't around. You would talk to him about stuff you could never ever talk to Hidan about.

Similar to Itachi you and Deidara would talk. But most of the stuff you and Deidara would talk about were more juicer and were 18+ conversations, things that would give Itachi a nosebleed.

Tobi was like a little brother you never had. You and him would mess around, playing games, playing pranks, and eating candy.

Akatsuki x Reader One-shots (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now