19. What Do I Do?

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Dane's POV.

I just have to find a way to see her alone again. I can't ask Quinn for help, she has already done enough for me.

Should I just storm into Block C and kidnap her? No, no, no can't do that.

What do I do?

Sarah's POV.

I don't go to school today. I'm scared he might come in and take me away to where it's just us, and I'll let him.

I recall everything that Timothy told me. Tears form in my eyes.

I screwed up. I like Dane.

Whether my spell worked or not, there's no way I would've let anyone else do what he did to me. His embrace felt good and right.

He felt good and right.

Other than his stubbornness, I like everything about him. I know he was aroused and his wolf was coming out, yet he stopped when I told him to.

His gentle hold on me when I cried over his shoulder made me feel safe.

But Timothy's warning keeps ringing in my head. And if Jordan finds out? I can't imagine what'll happen.

I can't choose Dane because there's no option between my brothers and anyone else. I'll always be at by my brothers' side.

But that bastard Dane is now taking my heart. I feel empty without his touch. How will I survive without him? Go to hell and leave me alone, Dane!

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