20. Stay Away

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Dane's POV.

The charity event is happening and I finish giving my speech.

After me, Jordan gives his speech.

We both, separately, go around and welcome the guests.

Once all done, our fathers ask us to join them in their table.

I sit beside my dad and Jordan sits beside his. Timothy sits beside Jordan, across me.

Sarah was right, he does know.

Timothy usually minds his business when it comes to me. He never picks a fight. I'm much stronger than him and he's not an equal match to me like his brother.

But right now, I can feel his hostility towards me. It's like his wolf is ready to come out and attack me any second.

I don't mind the glares this pup is giving me but if he's like that with his sister, too, I might just break an arm or two of his.

"So, our boys are all grown up, huh?" says Hunter, my dad.

"Damn well they are. They make us look like old men," says George, Vermon Cast's ex Alpha.

Inspite of the frequent fights between the packs, these two Alphas have always been on friendly terms with each other. Sometimes, they speak like they're old friends.

My dad laughs. "That's true. Even Timothy has become taller than you."

Timothy makes a fake smile.

"I heard you're taking care of the rogue situation in Yemen Moore, how's that going?" George asks me.

"It's better than before. But we still have some work left to do."

He nods. "If you need any help, let Jordan know. The boy can never have enough outlets for his Alpha hormones."

I smile. "I'm sure the pup phase will pass."

Her dad laughs, but Jordan gets angry.

"Talking about yourself, Dany?" Jordan says.

"See, the pup phase," I tell everyone.

He growls a little and his dad orders him to behave.

We talk some more and then my dad asks George, "I heard Sarah is back. She didn't come here?"

My heart does what it always does whenever it hears Sarah's name, race like crazy.

I see from the corner of my eye Timothy shifting in his seat.

"Oh, yeah, she didn't want to. She's just getting used to here. In her last school, there were only witches and now here, there are only werewolves.

There are not that many witches her age."

My dad nods. "Yeah, it must be hard on her. Still, bring her out to events like this. How else she'll get used to being surrounded by werewolves?"

"Oh, I wanted to. But she refused and then when I ordered her to, her two knights in shining armour took her side and made me back off," he says pointing to his sons.

My dad laughs. "It looks like she's the one who really has the power in the Winston family. Come on, bring her with you next time we meet. I want to see her."

I see Timothy claw the armrest.

"Sure," says George.

I smile. I guess I won't have any problems with her dad. It's just... I look at Timothy and see his killing intention.

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