Truth or Dare

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Chapter four

Truth or Dare

"I can't believe we're about to play truth or dare, and it's been 7 years since high school." Chan speaks. Everyone nods I agreement.

"I mean, I'm in college right now, so technically I'm still in school." Jeongin says.

"Speaking of college let's play the game!" Felix says.

"That has nothing to do wi-"

"I said let's play the game!" Felix says again, interrupting Seungmins sentence.

"Okay, anyways." Hyunjin says. "Who goes first?"

"It is Woojin's birthday, so Woojin can go first!" Felix says, pointing at Woojin.

"Okay, I'll go first." Woojin says. "First, do we have any rules?" He asks. They all think for a moment.

"Ah, you can't dare someone to do something to someone else's boy friend, but since three of us aren't dating anyone, we can be dared to do something-if we are dared that- to one of the other three. If that makes any sense... Honestly I don't even know what I'm saying." Chan says.

"It makes sense... Sorta, but I know what you mean." Woojin says. He claps his hands, gathering everyone's attention to him. "Okay, Felix, truth or dare?" He asks.

As the nine play, doing dumb dares and confessing to stupid things, it was Woojin's turn again.

"Hmm... Minho! Truth or dare?"

"Dare." Minho answers. Woojin thinks for a moment.

"I dare you to spend 7 minute in heaven with Jisung." Woojin says, shrugging "I couldn't think of anything else." He defends when Jeongin laughs at the stupid and immature dare.

"Okay." Minho shrugs. Jisung gets up and follows Minho to  a closet on the second floor.

"Our first time doing this was ninth grade. It was the day we kissed for our first time." Minho recalls. Jisung nods.

"And the day after you confessed your feelings for me." Jisung is sitting is Minho's lap, his head resting on Minho's shoulder.

"I can't believe we've been together for nearly seven years now." Jisung says. Minho nods I'm agreement.

"Me neither. We've been through a lot." Minho says, looking down at Jisung. Jisung nods, lifting his head.

Jisung looks Minho in the eye, leaning in, their lips a few centimeters apart. "You are the most ethereal, most beautiful human being I have ever seen, Minho." He whispers. Minho chuckles.

"So are you, gorgeous." Minho leans closer toward him, their lips brushing each other. "You're so so pretty. Not only are you outside, but inside too. You have a beautiful personality. You're sweet and kind and funny and just amazing." Minho whispers, a small giggle falls from Jisung's lips, his breath ghosting across Minho's face.

"I love you Minho." He whispers. "I love you a lot."


~ These are more like one shots, but there's a plot I swear there is ~

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