Curious Cat

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Chapter Eight

Curious Cat

Jisung was curious, curious as to what Minho has been doing so late at night. It was obvious he lied about helping with a new dance, as he already asked Felix. So, if he's not dancing, what is he doing?

Jisung didn't know and he didn't want to make it seem like he didn't trust Minho, because he does, but he wishes Minho would tell him what he's doing- truthfully, so he doesn't have to worry or over think possibilities.

He's currently up at one in the morning, sitting in the kitchen while eating a bunch of food. He loves food and, due to his high metabolize, it made it easy to eat a lot without gaining too much weight on his body.

He was careful not to wake Minho up when he got out of bed, not wanting to disturb his sleep. To be fully honest, he just wanted to be alone at the moment. He needed to think.

Minho wouldn't cheat on him, right? He's a very honesty and loyal person, so he wouldn't do that. But there's still the chance that he could be...

Jisung didn't want to think about that, well, not at the moment. He doesn't know if Minho truly is cheating or not, and he's not going to jump to conclusions just yet either.

Jisung sighs, putting his glass of water on the table. He wasn't thirsty or hungry at the moment. He was, but he just didn't have the appetite to eat, not that he needed to eat at one in the morning anyways.

He goes into the living room and sits on the couch. He doesn't turn the TV on nor does he cuddle up into a blanket. He simply stared at the blank screen in front of him.

His mind's racing. There's too many thoughts running through his head. He didn't realize how deep in his head he really was until he heard a noise from outside.

"What was that?" He questions to himself. He stands up slowly, walking towards the window, where the noise came from. There wasn't anything there, just a bush of leaves and nothing more. "Maybe the wind..."

He's about to walk away when he hears the noise again, but this time more clearly. It's a cat. "We don't let our cats out though." Jisung says confused. He opens the window, only to be greeted by a cat jumping up and into the house.

He looks towards the cat that is now sitting at his feet on the rug. It was indeed one of their cats, Doon-gi to be exact. "How'd you get outside?" Jisung asks, closing the window and bending down to pet him.

Doon-gi meows and purrs, rubbing up against Jisung's hand. "Maybe you snuck out an open window or passed the door at some point." Jisung says.

"Jisung, what are you doing?" A tired Minho yawns. Jisung, startled, shoots up at the sound of his boy friends voice.

"Oh, I woke up and couldn't sleep so I came out here. Doon-gi was meowing outside the window so I let him in. I don't know how he got out though." Jisung replies, all while looking down at the cat. Minho nods, making a humming noise.

"Why didn't you wake me up? You're supposed to do that from now on, remember?" Minho asks. Jisung nods.

"Yeah I know... But you got home so late I didn't want to disturb you from sleeping." Jisung sighs, looking up at Minho.

Minho shakes his head. "You're more important to me than sleep, Sungie. Please next time wake me up, okay?" Minho takes Jisung's hands, holding them while looking into his eyes. Jisung nods, looking away.


"Good, now lets go back to bed, okay? I'll cuddle you, even if you don't fall back asleep." Minho says. Jisung nods his head and follows Minho back to their room to sleep.


It's a longer chapter y'all I'm proudish 666

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