Mr. Kim

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•Mr. Kim•
Chapter Nineteen

"I don't want you to move too much while I'm gone, alright baby?" Minho says, holding Jisung's face gently, squishing his puffy cheeks making his lips pout.

"Okay.. but where do you have to go? Don't you have the day off?" Jisung asks, shifting a little bit on the couch. Minho nods his head.

"I just have to.. visit someone for a few. I'll be back in less than an hour, I promise." Minho leans down, kissing Jisung's lips.

"Okay.." Jisung whispers, closing his eyes as Minho rubs his neck. 

"I'll be back. I love you."

"I love you too." Jisung whispers. Minho walks to the door, putting his shoes on and opening it. He's immediately hit with the warmth of summer morning heat. It felt like warm tea, how it makes your body warm when drinking it. It was a calming warmth.

He walks over to his car, opening the door and stepping into the drivers seat. He fastens his seatbelt and starts the engine.

"Okay.. you know where he lives Minho.. don't hurt him, just simply talk to him.." Minho tells himself. "I can tell the company manager about it, but that'll hold the team back another year or more from debuting.. I don't want to punish the rest when only one needs to be punished.."

As he backs out the driver way, mumbling words to himself, he watches the window of his house, or one of the windows, seeing Jisung standing there watching him drive off. Minho sighs, his attention on the road ahead of him.

"Okay, Kim Jinyoung, we just need to talk.." Minho says. He sighs, he feels bad but at the same time he knows the dude deserves it. He, for one, hurt his baby, and two broke part of a contract. He is to not hurt anyone, unless it be for self defense.

As Minho drives into the groups drive way of their dorm apartment, he looks at the time to make sure they are up. It's about 10 AM so they should be. Due to their schedule and stuff, they don't really have a break.

He stops the car, turning it off and taking his seatbelt off. He looks through the back mirror, watching the cats and people on the road behind him. Some walk their dogs, others hold hands with their kids. Some couples are laughing together happily. Minho begins to wonder what it would be like raising a kid with Jisung.

He shakes his head, getting out of the car and walking into the apartment. He smiles at the receptionist at the desk, giving her a tiny wave before continuing to the elevator and presses floor 5.

Waiting, he takes a moment to think about how to bring it up to Jinyoung. He shouldn't just call the boy out, but he wants to be straight forward with him. Of course he'll do it in private. If Jinyoung tries anything, he can simply get him taken off the team. Find someone to replace him with. There is always a backup member they can use if something happens to one.

He takes a deep breath as he steps off the elevator and walks down the hallway to the groups door. He knocks on the door confidently. He hears voices from the inside and then the door being unlocked slowly. One of the members, Syungi, peaks through the door.

"Oh, it's just you! Come in!" Syungi says smiling. Minho smiles at him, letting the door open fully before he steps through.

"So why are you here, Minho?" Syungi asks.

"Yeah we don't have practice till five thirty or something like that, I thought." Another member, Taeyang, says. He stands next to Syungi, hands in his pockets. He's the oldest in the group.

"I'm just here to see Jinyoung. I needed to speak to him for a moment about something." Minho replies. His eyes scan the living area of their small dorm. "Do you by chance know where he is?"

"I'm right here." Jinyoung says, a wide smile on his face as he walks into the living room. Minho desperately finds anything to keep him from killing the male that dared to hurt his Jisung.

"Oh, how about we step outside into the hallway. It's something I'd like to discuss with you in private." Minho watches Jinyoungs face for any signs of fear or worry. From an outsiders view, it'd seem to be a casual conversation. That Jinyoung was actually smiling, but Minho can see it in his eyes. The worry and fear, the disgust he has towards Minho.

"Of course." Jinyoung steps through the open door, Minho following behind him. His closed the door and turns to face Jinyoung.

"Do you know why I wanted to speak to you?" Minho asks, careful with the tone of his voice. He always liked Jinyoung, he was a great dancer and vocalist, but after the incident, he has a few other opinions on him.

Jinyoung shakes his head. "No, I don't know why.." Jinyoung fidgets with his hands, of course Minho takes notice to this.

"Okay, I'll tell you why." Minho takes a deep breath, he doesn't want to hurt the boy. He does but he can't.

"Last night.. when I got home, I was looking for my boyfriend, Jisung because he wasn't anywhere in the house. Do you know where I found him?" Jinyoung shakes his head, stubbornly.

"I found him in the bathroom. There was blood, there was a bat. When I took him to the doctors, they brought him into the emergency room. He has 4 broken ribs and 3 fractured ones. His head was hit pretty hard, Jinyoung. He doesn't have anything wrong with it, but it definitely is pretty bad." Jinyoungs eyes divert anywhere but Minhos face.

"Do you know how that happened?" Minho asks. Jinyoung shakes his head. "Oh, well I do."


"Oh come on, Jinyoung! And right before your debut? You could get into serious trouble because of this! You're lucky I don't take you off the team!" Jinyoung lowers his head.

"What you did was wrong, immature and just.. stupid!  Why would you go beat some innocent human being? He did nothing wrong! What happened was years ago, you're and adult now, well sort of.." Minho trails off. Jinyoung nods his head.

"I'm sorry.." He whispers. "I really am! I just.. let my mind control my body, and.. I don't know." Jinyoung says looking up at Minho. His eyes have sincerity in them, he truly is sorry for his wrong doing.

"It's okay.. just don't do it again, or I will be taking this to your manager." Jinyoung nods.

"Thank you, Minho. I'll see you at practice.." Minho nods, watching as Jinyoung walks inside the dorms and closes the door.

Finished: 8:09 AM


This chapter is really long it's 1.1k+ eyE— I should have shortened it into separate parts but there is no reason too so :))



Till next time~💕

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