Old Time Friend

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•Old Time Friend•
Chapter Eighteen

"Lee Minho?" A doctor calls. Minho stands up quickly, grabbing his head as he feels light headed from sitting for so long.

"That's me, sir." He says walking over to the male in a white coat.

"Han Jisung, is that right?" The male asks, Minho nods. He's been waiting for at least four hours now, to hear what happened to Jisung.

"Well, it looks as if he was hit or kicked in his ribs, so he has three broken ones and four of them are fractured..." he looks down at his clipboard, the doctor, and reads the rest of what's written down. "And the right side of his head was hit and was severely damaged. He does have a concussion but it didn't do anything serious to the brain. We will be keeping him here for a few days more to make sure he's already to go. You may visit him now." Minho nods, following one of the nurses to Jisung's room.

"Minho?" Jisung says softly, looking up from his lap with a wide smile. Minho walks over to Jisung, gently embarrassing the younger male in his arms.

"I was so worried about you baby.." Minho whispers, kissing Jisung's hair several times before pulling away and sitting on a chair next to the bed. He holds Jisung's hand, kissing the back side of it.

Jisung stays silent for a few moments, deep in thought. "What are you think about?" Minho asks breaking the silence.

"About what happened.." Jisung replies, looking into Minho's eyes.

"What exactly did happen?" Minho asks, rubbing the back of Jisung's hand as to comfort him.

"Well.. I had this friend in middle school, Kim Jinyoung, he used to bully me a lot. He thought that what I wanted to do with my career in life was stupid, or that's what he said at least... he had eventually confessed that all the things he did.. said.. was to get my attention.. because he likes me.. I turned him down of course. I didn't like him that way, especially after the way he treated me." Jisung looks up to read Minhos expression.

He has his eyebrows stitched together, deep in thought but still listening carefully. Jisung continued with his story, seeing Minho was still listening.

"He told me, before he moved away in my last year, that he was going to have me one way or another and if he couldn't, he'd hurt me.." Jisung finished off, looking out the window next to him.

"Kim... Jinyoung? What time did this happen, baby?" Minho asks. Kim Jinyoung is also the name of one of the main vocalist in the new group about to debut. The one he's teaching dance to.

"I'm not sure, maybe 15 minutes before you got home?" Jisung says, trying to remember.

"Okay.. I'm glad you told me this, Jisung." Jisung glances at Minho with a questioning stare but shrugs it off. "Their going to discharge you in a few days, so hang tight."

Jisung nods with a hum. "Mm of course Minho."

"I love you, Jisung."

"I love you, Minho."

Finished: 4:06 PM


I did a double update woo woo!

How was this chapter?

What do you think will happen next 👀

Sorry for any mistakes!

Till next time~💕

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