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I woke up this morning late for school and I honestly couldn't give a damn. Today was just not my day at all. Getting out the bed I went to do my morning hyegenie then I went to my closet to pick out what I was gonna wear for today. I picked out my red faded skinny jeans and this black v-neck with the words 'Stop Pretending' on it and my Jordan SC 2's varsity red, for my accessories I put on my black hoops a gold ring and my gold cross necklace. I went downstairs and fixed me a bowl a cereal then grabbed my book-bag and keys and went to my black Audi R8 bumping Porn Star by August Alsina. When I got to school I was late I didn't give a fuck though the bell for 2nd period wrung so I just went to my 2nd period.

"Good morning class." My bio teacher said. "Today were working on a study guide which will help for the exam Friday and your only allowed to work with the person you sit next to you have the rest of the period to do this it will be due Friday after the exam." She said while passing out our study guide.

Me and Ashley started working on our study guide talking about our weekend and everything we could think of really. We finished the study guide by the end of class which is good for me cause that means no homework. When the bell wrung I was one of the first ones out  and I don't know why cause it ain't like I care for my 3rd block anyway. His English class had to be the most boring class I ever had.

 He talked about our project how it's a big grade and will be graded at the end of the year and how we won't start the book till next month. Google already know wassup. After his whole little speech the bell wrung so now I was headed to lunch.

"Hey A." Bre said as I sat down.

"Wassup." I said as took a bite of one of my fries.

"Nothing where were you at this morning?'' Zaria asked looking over at me with a smile.

"Home, I was running late I got here during 2nd period." 

"You always late." Bre said laughing making us all laugh cause it's true.

As I looked around the table I noticed the guys wasn't here. "Aye where them niggas at today." I asked.

"They had to handle business." Bre said. I just nodded my head we talked a little bit more then the bell wrung time for last period.

My last period is tech this easy ass class we don't do shit in here so I pulled out my IPod and listen to my music with my head down on the table and went to sleep till the bell wrung. When I heard the bell ring I grabbed my stuff and headed out to my Audi listening to Recognize by PARTYNEXTDOOR ft Drake. 

When I got home I noticed my mom car in the garage she must have got off early cause shes never home when I get home from school. I went inside the house to find my mom cooking pasta and garlic bread. This my shit right here. I told her hey and gave her a kiss then went upstairs to change. I came back down stairs and ate with my mom.

"How was your day sweetie." She asked with a big smile on her face that can always brighten your day even on your worst day.

"It was good didn't really do much today. How was your day though?" 

"It was okay they let me off early today and gave me tomorrow off so that's good yo momma finally get some rest." My mom says while cleaning and putting up the dishes.

"That's good mom." I say with a smile. I'm happy she finally gets a day of rest because she needs it.

''Yup well I'm bout to go to bed night baby." My ma said as she gave me a kiss on the cheek.

"Night mom." I said with a small smile turning off all of the lights downstairs.

When mom left to her room I went upstairs to mine and laid down and watch TV for a few hours. Right when I started dozing off almost sleep someone had to call me I ignored it the first time then they called me back. Like if I don't answer on the first time you call me I don't wanna talk to yo ass.

The Story Of A Phat Girl (Editing)(UrbanWhere stories live. Discover now