authors note :)

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Hello all! If you're new, welcome! If you've been here awhile, welcome back! I'm not dead I promise, it just takes me a minute to put out new stories.

It's your author here, just setting some things out, and saying some useless words before you delve into the story.

This has been about a year and a half coming and I'm honestly so proud of myself for finishing it because these characters have been stuck in my head for soooo long and i've gotten so sidetracked along the way.

That being said, this story was lowkey inspired by Voltron Legendary Defender. (Yes, I know, I know.) It is no way shape or form related to the plot or setting of VLD, but I did draw a source of inspiration from it and in a way, all the characters in this book were modeled in my mind from my interpretation the show.

So, if you know the show? Congrats! You'll probably see the similarities. If you don't know the show? Congrats! You'll still be watching the plot unfold just the same not knowing any different. It literally makes no difference what-so-ever.

Speaking of plot... this takes place in Kennedy—a completely fictional town that exists in my mind somewhere around Ohio. So just for context, it's in the central part of the United States, if you wanna put it somewhere other than Ohio? Go for it. I don't really care, make the town what you want, it isn't real. It's all hypothetical, including most colleges and/or store mentions, besides commercial companies.

As far as content goes, anyone who's been here before knows I almost always subconsciously write about mental illnesses and/or trauma so content warnings will be posted as it can sometimes be in depth/descriptive and possibly upsetting to those of you who have experienced the same. I know I have been terrible about warnings in the past, so I'm trying my best with this book, I know I can lean into a dark writing style. (It's expressive, I'm sorry.) Just as a forewarning the main triggering topics of question will be: panic attacks with PTSD, previous suicide discussion, and some physical abuse (minor topic).

Also they're high schoolers okay, they use a lot of profanities. That might bug some people, but I just tried to be realistic, me and my friends were absolute potty mouths in high school... just saying.

Anyways forget that for now... let's start the story off on a good note, flip to the next page and meet your new main Ki Katashi. It's all told through her point of view in this book.

See you on the other side.

Enjoy :)


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