Chapter 1. Why you left

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It's 6:00am you woken up. Your room is upstairs in the back but yet you can still hear all your brothers fighting.

"Do they ever shut up" you said, being annoyed at the rude wake up call.

But to no surprise they didn't care if they woke anyone up. You got up being in a bad mood you put your (h/c) into a low ponytail while you wear a hoodie and shorts (you guys will be wearing cringy clothes I choose because you need to wear clothes I know of).

You opened your door and your room reeked of bad energy. All the fighting seem to stop until you heard your dad screamed at the TV.  Your left eye twitch.

You slammed your door accidentally breaking it. You stopped and stared at it, gently kicking it and walked down the stairs. 

"Just great" You sighed, running your hand over your face.

"They cause this I don't care if I broke it or not if they haven't woken me up I wouldn't be pushed to slam my door."  you debated in your head.

While lost in thought you were brought back by Katsuki screaming in rage at the T.V.
Causing you to have a massive headache. You went over to him and slapped the back of his neck.

"Shut up for one second of you life!" You yelled at him. He gave you a glare. You gave the other guys a glare until you looked around seeing how the house was a mess.

"Kaminari, Shoto, Katsuki" You spoke slowly and clearly. Hoping they'll will process this and listen.

"You guys have to clean up! And stop being so loud," you looked at the TV. They were watching football "and of course you guys are watching football! This house better be clean within 2 hours! I can't clean and cook every single day!" You shrieked at them.

"Yes ma'am" Your brothers mocked.

When you went upstairs you started to fix your door. Because this has happened a few times.

"You know what we can't let (Y/n) boss us around let's clean one room and be down" Kaminari told them with confidence.

"I say we should clean the bathroom" Your Dad said.

Everyone agree that got to work half an hour later. The bathroom was spotless.

You came downstairs with your black boots, black jeans, black button up with a tie on, and glance around.

"What the heck!?" You yelled while looking at the trashed house. "Didn't you guys clean anything?"

"We clean the bathroom" Shoto spoke in his monotone voice.

"Yea you're the girl you should be the one to cook, clean and to take care of us" Katsuki said but regret it after.

"He's right" Your dad said.

You threw 4 razor sharp cards at them almost hitting them. You walked around and clean up everything and made food. You then went upstairs and grabbed everything you needed.

"Tch" Your tongue clicked against your teeth. "I'm not some maid, I'll go take the hunter exam, that way they can learn how to take care of themselves. Those sexist idiots" You thought out loud.

You looked towards your door making sure that no one will be able to get in. You headed downstairs and collected your cards that you've thrown earlier. Seeing that the boys where in the kitchen eating, you grabbed some paper and a pen.

"Dad, Kaminari, Shoto, and Katsuki,

I'm not some maid for you guys to depend on, would you ever say that to mom! I'm leaving for a while I don't know how long or when I'll be coming back. I'll write to you all when I have time. And try for the love of whatever god there is to stop being sexist!

- (y/n)"

You went over and left the note in the middle of the table then went outside and continue to head towards the dock to get on the boat.

That Odd Clown (hisoka x female reader)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα