Chapter 2. The boat ride

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   When (Y/n) made it to the dock the boat had just arrived and the first few people we already boarding. When it was her turn she got on the boat and looked around, there was just males on board, some feminine presented people were there.

(Y/n) sighed and sat outside on the dock where there were less people around. The boat took off to whale island. Then a boy with green and black hair got on.

After sometime the boy with green hair said a storm was coming. (Y/n) sighed out of frustration and went inside the the main room. She looked up to see most of the guys looking at her. Which made (Y/n) confused.

"Hey princess! Why aren't you home cooking like an actual girl" this random guy called out from the back.

Her eye twitched out of disgusted. She threw one of her razor cards at the guy pinning him to the wall he looked shocked and worried.

"Watch what you say about girls around me" (Y/n) warned him.

"Even if I had a bad experience with almost every girl I met, that doesn't mean I can't defend them' She hummed to herself while going to look for a spot to sit.

The boat starting to rock back and forth making everyone seasick. Except this tall guy actually he looks around 17 to me anyway but he does look around 20 years old. Then this blonde haired boy having a poker face on. The little boy again he was giving medicine and herbs to some guys in the worst condition. The captain came in and called everyone to the main room with the captains wheel.

"Say your names and say why you want to be a hunter" The captain demanded.

"My name is Gon, and I want to be a hunter just like my dad!" Gon said.

"Leorio, is the name and I want the money" He said as he fixed his tie.

The blonde haired kid and (Y/n) kept quite.

"Hey! You got to answer too you know!" Leorio yelled.
Kurapika and Leorio started yelling at each other and they went outside to fight and Gon tried to save them.

"I'm kurapika, and I would like to keep my reason to myself"

Than everyone looked at (Y/n).

"I'm (Y/n)" She responded.

"What's your reason to be here" The captain asked.

"I rather not say" She responded, not actually having a reason.

"Tell me or you fail" He decided.

"Fine! I left because I was sick of my family and I was bored. This is just a lesson to them." (Y/n) finally told him.

The three guys left to go outside. (Y/n) stayed inside and started to build a wall of cards to surround herself A light came through the window.

"Looks like you've all made it" The captain said.

A/n: I'm skipping to the part when they arrived to the exam.

That Odd Clown (hisoka x female reader)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt