Chapter 5. Cooking

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(Y/n) wasn't listening to the green haired chef all she got was




Once Everyone was gone she went to the kitchen area to see what was there.

"Pots, pans, cooking oil, etc." She mumble to herself.

"What are you mumbling about?" (Y/n) looked up to see Hisoka.

"That is none of your business now is it?" She said while walking away.

After about 5 minutes of walking, she heard Gons voice saying that the weak spot on the pigs are their foreheads. She looked over to were she heard Gon and saw a giant pink pig. (Y/n) stood still, then the pig started to charge. She jumped up and threw 3 cards at it's forehead. It drop dead on the spot, she threw the pig over her shoulder and started to walk back to the starting area.

There were only two people there, Hisoka and Gittarackur. (Y/n) walked pass them and went to her station. Good thing she had to cook all the time for her dad and brothers. As she was setting up what she needed to cook she felt someone staring at her. She glanced over her should and saw Hisoka staring at her, smiling. It was kind of smile that was uncomfortable to look at.

(Y/n) stuck her tongue at him and glared. Now back to cooking. She melted butter in a pan then spread it around, she took the pig and started to chop it up carefully and quickly. She licked the blood off the knife feeling a small surge of energy, which fed her bloodlust she couldn't act on. She  put the knife in the sink and started to cook the meat, then she spread sauce on it.

She was making her brothers and dads favorite. She put a lot of seasoning on the pork chops to add flavor. She placed the pork chops on a plate and clean up the mess, then she grabbed some berries that (y/n) grabbed before she killed the pig. She had the knowledge at telling if berries are edible, these berries were raspberries. She turn those into juice. Then looked around to see that she finished before Gittarackur and Hisoka, which was weird.

Everyone went up to show the green haired girl their creation, she failed all of them. (Y/n) was the last one to go up.

"MMmmmmmMMn so gooooddd" She smiled.

"PASS" She did a muffler yell and she kept stuffing her face. .

Everyone started to whisper to each other. A air ship came down the big boss guy.

"(Y/n) because you passed this test you can come on the ship if you wish" He told her.

Now she could be fair and stay here or be unfair and go on the ship. (Y/n) turned around and looked at everyone with a bored look.

"I'll go on the ship" She said.

The big boss challenged (y/n) to take the ball from him, she had nothing else to do so she agreed.

"Take this ball away from me, it should be easy for you because I can't fight back" said Netero.

She nodded and took off her coat and mask. Which she set them aside. She used her air element to change her outfit to a white flowy tank top on and some spandex.

Netero looked confused as she sat down in front of him and closed her eyes, she made a clone to take her place. While he was distracted she ran at him kicking him in the face. While his eyes were closed she jump up and hung upside down on the ceiling. Her clone was still in the same place. While Netero was looking around she made herself invisible with my air element. Which was really like a illusion trick, a trick on the eyes she was still noticeable. While he let down his guard a bit.

She quickly push herself off from the ceiling jumping from wall to wall like lighting, Netero trying to keep up with his eyes but failing because he is getting old. Her clone appeared behind him, she took the ball from his hand and pop it. He turn around surprised.

"I win"  (Y/n) said while smirking she put her mask in her pocket and hercoat around her waist.

"I'm impress (Y/n)" He said whiling smiling.

"Is there are place where a girl can get some food" she asked.

"Of course" he said.

They started to walk to the dining room.

"So, because that I beat you, tell me, are you planning to start a exam in the middle of the night" She asked him.

"Not planning on it, I'm not that mean" He said while smiling.

She nodded.

After eating eating a while she went to her room and flopped on her bed and rolled on her side, then she fell asleep. "I need to control my abilities soon" were her thoughts before she was out.

This has been a long stressful

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