beach day

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(Your POV)

A horn honks from outside and I quickly gather my belongings and head outside. Timothée, my boyfriend, is waiting for me in a convertible. I run to the car and jump in, giving him a smile and a kiss on the cheek.

"Hey, beautiful," Timothée says as he eyes me up and down. "Ready to go?"

"Very ready," I respond.

The car peels out of the driveway and before I know it, we are speeding down the highway. The top is down, the strong wind whipping my hair in every direction. Normally, I would be annoyed that my hair is in my face, but something about being in the convertible felt freeing to me. I laughed the whole ride to the beach, singing along to the radio with Timothée at the top of our lungs. Whenever we stopped at a red light, we continued our loud singing and the people around us looked at us like we were insane. But we weren't insane, just having a good time together.

When we finally get to the beach, I practically jump out of the car and sprint to feel the warm sand between my toes. When I turn around, Timothée is struggling with beach chairs, bags, and an umbrella.

"Oops! Sorry!" I exclaim, running to help him, but Timothée refuses my help.

"I can do this, I got it," Timothée says, obviously trying to impress me.

We finally find a spot and put everything down in the soft sand. Tired of being in my sundress, I pull it off, revealing an itsy bitsy teeny weeny yellow polka-for bikini (a/n if you get that reference i will luv u forever).

When Timothée notices my appearance, his eyes nearly pop out of his head.

"Oh. My. Fucking. God. Y/N, you look amazing," he says, eyeing me up and down.

"You don't look too shabby yourself," I say, admiring his six-pack on full display.

I then pull sunscreen out of one of my bags and hand it to him.

"Put it in my back?" I ask politely.

"Of course." Timothée gets to work, sensually rubbing sunscreen all over my back. He tries to kiss me a few times, but I have to resist. I know that if we get going, we aren't going to stop, and I don't want everyone else at this beach to get that kind of show.

After a nice back massage from Timothée, it's my turn to put sunscreen on him. I run the lotion all over his back, giving him a small massage as I do so.

When I'm done, we turn around and just look at each other.

"What do you want to do first?" He asks.

"I think the only really option is to go in the ocean, right?" I say.

Timothée glances between the water and myself before darting towards the water, shouting "last one to the water is a rotten egg!"

I quickly follow him, but can't beat him to the salty water in time.

"I win! I win!" Timothée taunts.

"Yeah yeah, whatever," I say with a giggle, happy to see him so relaxed.

We play together in the water for what seems like hours, splashing each other, having water wrestling matches, and racing each other. We even spend time just floating on our backs and talking about anything that comes to mind.

Then I look up, and see a guy body surfing on a huge incoming wave. He glides all the way up to shore above the water, and I instantly become intrigued.

"Let's do that," I say to Timothée as I point out the man bodysurfing.

"Sure. Let's do that."

We wade farther out into the water and wait for a big wave to hit. When one finally comes, Timothée and I try to bodysurf, but we both end up getting swallowed by the wave. We try again, and again, but we can't seem to find the success the stranger had earlier. After the tenth try, we give up, both laughing hysterically at our failures.

We finally get out of the water, our fingers and toes wrinkly from the water and hair completely drenched in salt water. Our lips are beginning to turn blue and we are shivering as we step out onto the sand.

Back at our spot on the beach, we wrap up in towels and cuddle close together for warmth. We sit their silently, listening to the sound of the waves crashing along the shore. The sound is so relaxing that we fall asleep in each other's arms.

When I wake up, I find Timothée's arm draped across my stomach and his head resting on my chest. My hair and body is covered in sand.

Timothée wakes up shortly after I do, and when he does, the sun is almost done setting over the horizon. After coming back to life a little more, Timothée and I get up to walk together along the shore. We walk hand in hand, telling each other dumb jokes and silly stories to make each other laugh. After our hour long walk, we return to our spot, which is now bathed in moonlight. The crowd on the beach has virtually disappeared, leaving Timothée and I alone.

"Wanna go home now?" Timothée asks.

"Not really."

"Good. Neither do I. I want to show you something."

Timothée gestures for me to lie down so I do. He lies right next to me and slides his arm behind my shoulder. Lifting his hand, he points to a series of stars.

"See that? That's the Big Dipper, and the Little Dipper is right next to it," Timothée says, guiding my own hand to point it out.

"Oh, wow!" I say. I've never been able to print out constellations on my own.

"And that's Capricorn. And leo is right over here." For the next little bit, Timothée points out the stars and spews facts about them to me. I listen, fascinated by how passionate he seems to be about the stars.

It is around 9pm when we finally leave. The air is chillier now, but we still leave the top of the convertible down. The wind blows the sand from our hair and cools our sunburned faces.

Arriving back to my house, Timothée frowns as he stops the car.

"I don't want you to go," he wines.

"So don't leave me. Come stay over tonight," I say with a wink. Timothée knows exactly what I'm hinting at, and he is out of the car quicker than lightning. He carries all my stuff into the house for me.

"I think I need to take a shower to wash this sand off of me. Care to join me?"

"Oh, you know I'd love to..." Timothée says as he picks me up bridal style and brings me to the bathroom.

It was the perfect ending to an even more perfect day.


greetings! i'm back! it's been a while since i last uploaded, so I wanted to give y'all something big in return.

i hope you liked this one! i enjoyed writing it, so hopefully it's good lmao ;)

don't forget that i take requests!! please pm me if you have any ideas at all and i will write them for you!

but that's all for today. if you did like it, please like, share, and follow me for more! thx for reading!

much love, lyra <3

p.s. i hope y'all had a wonderful holiday!

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