snowday *request*

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this was requested by Annie @Ancient_Sherlock ! enjoy love! <3

(Your POV)

When I wake up and look out the window, I see the yard covered in a blanket of fluffy white snow. Huge white snowflakes fall to the ground from a cloudy sky, and the trees look beautiful in their new frosty coating.

Excited for a snow day, I turn over to Timothée, who is still sound asleep, and shake him gently.

"Timothée, baby. Wake up, look outside," I whisper. After a moment, Timothée groggily sits up and rubs the sleep from his eyes.

"What?" He says in a raspy morning voice.

"Look outside! It's snowing! A lot," I say eagerly pointing out the window.

When Timothée notices the snow falling, his eyes go wide.

"YES! I love snow days!" Timothée shouts, jumping out of the bed and scurrying over to the window to admire the view. I follow behind him, squeezing my way next to him at the window.

Timothée wraps his arm around my waist and pulls me closer to him as we both just stare out the window and admire the view.

"So what do you wanna do today?" Timothée asks.

I give him one look and he already knows what I'm going to say.

"Do you wanna build a snowman?"

Timothée laughs and the two of us quickly put on our snow gear, not bothering to even eat breakfast.

Once outside, I find the perfect spot in the yard to build a snowman. The two of us get to work, rolling three huge snowballs for the body, finding sticks to use as arms and rocks to use as buttons, eyes, and the mouth.

"It's missing something..." Timothée ponders.

"A carrot nose!" I exclaim. I quickly run as fast as I can through the yard, which is difficult considering the snow is so deep, and into the house, tracking snow behind me as I search in the fridge for a carrot. Finally finding one, I run back outside and stick it into the snowman's face.

"There! Now it looks like a real snowman,"
I say.

When Timothée doesn't respond, I turn around to see what he's doing. As soon as I turn to face him, a snowball is launched towards me and hits me right in the arm. Timothée looks at me from behind a tree and begins laughing hysterically.

"Oh, it's on!" I shout. I quickly make a whole artillery of snowballs and begin launching them at Timothée while trying to avoid the ones he's throwing at me.

I take my final snowball and throw it as hard as I can. I yelp when I watch the snowball hit Timothée right in the face. He has a shocked expression, not really sure how to handle it.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to do that!" I shout to him.

Timothée smiles and suddenly starts running towards me. I try to run, but I can't go fast enough. Suddenly Timothée tackles me and we both fall into the pillowy snow, both laughing so hard.

"You made a mistake throwing that at my face, Y/N," Timothée says. "You will be sorry."

"I didn't mean to, I swear!"

"It seemed very intentional to me," Timothée says.

"It really wasn't!" I defend.

Timothée bursts out laughing again. "I know it was an accident, but I love watching how nervous you get."

"Haha, very funny," I pout.

"Come on. Let's go inside and warm up. I'll make my special hot chocolate..." Timothée says.

Him saying hot chocolate is enough to get me on board, so the two of us walk back inside and take off all our snow gear, realizing in the warmth of the house.

I follow Timothée to the kitchen and watch him get to work on his special hot chocolate. He melts many different kinds of chocolate in a big pot and then adds cream, stirring it all together until it forms one delicious batch of thick, rich hot chocolate. I love watching him work in the kitchen. He gets really into it, focusing on every little detail. I notice the way he squints his eyes and how his eyebrows scrunch together when he's really focused on a particular task. I could sit here and watch him work all day.

When the hot chocolate is done, he pours some in a mug for each of us and we bring it to the living room. We snuggle together under multiple blankets and sip our hot chocolate as we watch an endless stream of movies. I must have refilled my mug at least three times because the hot chocolate is so good.

After hours of cuddling and sipping on hot chocolate while watching movies pass, Timothée kisses the top of my head.

"I love snow days with you," Timothée says.

"I love every day with you," I say.

"I love every day with you, too."


hello! this was requested by Annie @Ancient_Sherlock! i hope you enjoyed this Annie, i loved writing it! (sorry again for how long it took!)

if you'd like to make your own request, feel free to pm me and i will write it for ya!

if you liked this imagine, please like share and follow me for more! thank you!

have a wonderful day/night!

much love, lyra <3

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