staring contest

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(Your POV)

"What should we do now?" I ask my boyfriend, Timothée, as the movie credits begin to appear on the screen. Today has been a day of pure relaxation with Timothée. We've watched movies, baked cookies, slept, kissed a little *wink wink*, and just enjoyed each others company.

"We should play a game," Timothée responds.

"Well what game?"

"Truth or dare?"

"Nah, that's such a middle school game."

"You're right. What about a staring contest?"

I'm about to protest, but I change my mind before I say anything. A chance shamelessly stare at my hunk of a boyfriend? Yes please.

"Fine. But just know, I was the staring contest champion in my fifth grade class," I say jokingly.

"I was champion in fifth grade, too," Timothée responds with a smirk.

"Well, I guess we'll just have to see who the best starer is."

Timothée and I get into a position where we can get really close to each other and stare. We close our eyes and Timothée begins to count down.

"3...2...1! Open your eyes!" My eyes quickly open and I'm met with Timothée's.

As I'm staring, I realize that I've never really looked in Timothée's eyes before. Like I've never spent the time to notice every little detail about them. I'm soon entranced by what I see, and the smile slowly disappears from my face as I become fixated on his eyes.

His eyes are a light green color, similar to the ocean, with a ring of bright blue around the edge. They hold so much emotion: passion, happiness, and above all, love. It's as if I can see his soul dancing around in his eyes, revealing a part of Timothée I have never seen before.

"Hah! You blinked, I win," Timothée says, snapping me out of my thoughts. "I guess I'm the reigning champion, now."

"Wait, I wanna see your eyes again," I say, completely ignoring Timothée's comment.


"Your eyes. I wanna see them again."


"Because they look like the ocean. And, I know this is going to sound dumb, but I feel like I can see your soul in them."

Timothée remains silent, but leans in and opens his eyes wide for me. He stares back at me, and for a while we just sit there, looking into each other's eyes silently.

(Timothée's POV)

When I stare into Y/N's eyes for the second time, I start to notice all the things she told me about. I'll be honest, at first I was just focused on winning the staring contest and didn't look too deeply into her eyes. But as I sit in front of her again, just staring into them, I notice an entire side of Y/N that I never knew about.

Her Y/E/C eyes shine brightly with the late afternoon sun shining into them. It's as if I can see everything she's feeling, just by looking at her. I can see the wheels turning in her head and I beg to know what she's thinking. I can see her eyes full of love and wonder for the relationship we have.

But I also see the pain she's been through, everything she's had to suffer through in her lifetime, and I have to fight back my own tears from falling. It hurts me to know she's been heartbroken before, to know that the world has beaten her down when I couldn't do anything about it.

But then she smiles, and her eyes crinkle and a new brightness shines through them. God, what I would do to watch those sparkling eyes for the rest of my life.

"What are you thinking about," Y/N asks me, breaking the silence.

"How much I love you. And that I would do anything for you."

She stays silent.

"What are you thinking about?"

"The exact same thing."


hi! sorry this imagine sucks sooo bad! I thought it was a good idea in my head, but i had trouble writing it. i was too deep in to just get rid of it though, so i struggled through and ended with this piece of hot garbage.

if you want better imagines, check out the rest of my timothee imagines (you've probs already read them, but hey, u can always read 'em again!) OR my mena massoud imagines and tom holland imagines. i've got a lot to choose from

i also take requests, just pm me your ideas! :)

thanks for reading! pls like, share, and follow for more (better!) imagines lol.

much love, lyra <3

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