wish it were me pt. 3

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(Timothée's POV)

It's been a few weeks since I saw Y/N at the grocery store. We haven't talked again since, but I think about her and our conversation every day. I don't know what her relationship with Ben, her new boyfriend, is like, but I can only hope that they aren't together anymore. I want her to be happy, but I also can't bear thinking about her with anyone else.

After our conversation though, I've started to heal more. I don't beat myself up as much and I don't cry as much. I still love and miss her, but I feel more comfortable knowing she heard exactly what I wanted her to hear.

As I sit in my apartment thinking about her, I decide to go out and get some fresh air. I'm getting sick of staying in my apartment so much. It's not the same without Y/N and it's so depressing in there.

So I get ready and head out the door, opting to go to Central Park. I go straight to the pond, a location where Y/N and I used to visit together all the time. It's usually pretty quiet there and a good place to think and relax.

When I approach the pond, I notice someone sitting on the same bench Y/N and I always went to. I am about to just sit at a different one, but then I take a closer look at just who is sitting there. Sure enough, Y/N is the one on the bench, her legs outstretched and her face towards the springtime sun.

I hesitate for a moment. Should I sit with her? After a few minutes of internal debate, I decide to take the risk and sit with her.

I don't say anything, just sit down next to her. She doesn't notice me. She must be in deep thought because when she is, she tunes out everything around her.

"Hey, Y/N," I say slowly and quietly.

Y/N turns her head away from the sky and looks over to me, her gorgeous smile appearing on her face. I can't help but smile back.

"Hi, Timothée," she responds.

"I wasn't expecting to see you here," I say.

"Yeah, I wasn't expecting to see you, either. But it is our spot, after all."

"Yep, it is."

We sit in silence for a moment, simply taking in each other's presence. At last, Y/N breaks the silence.

"So how have things been with you?" she asks.

"They've been good. I've been busy with work. How have you been?"

"I'm okay." Y/N turns away from me and looks out at the pond. "Ben and I broke up."

I perk up in my seat, suddenly more interested in the conversation.

"Oh no! What happened?" I ask. I try my best to sound concerned, but I'm doing a happy dance internally right now.

"There's someone else I'd rather be with," Y/N said simply.

"Huh?" I question. My heart drops a little and I worry about who else she could be interested in.

"After we talked, I couldn't stop thinking about our conversation. I was thinking back at our relationship and all the amazing memories we have together. Like Friday night movies and visiting this pond. And I realized that I didn't love Ben, not the same way I loved you."

I sit there, stunned that she's saying this. I remain silent, waiting for her to continue.

"And I realized I wasn't happy with Ben. I thought I was, but after we talked I realized that I was just feeling better than I had been previously. But it wasn't happiness by any means. It wasn't the same feeling I got when I was with you. And I found myself constantly comparing everything Ben did to you. He never even came close. So I broke up with him."

𝐓𝐈𝐌𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐄 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐋𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐓 𝐈𝐌𝐀𝐆𝐈𝐍𝐄𝐒Where stories live. Discover now