Thirty Seven

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I was sitting in the middle of Jisung and Vernon and my parents were opposite. This was one of the most awkward dinners i have ever encountered.
I took a sip of some wine i had and i looked up seeing my mom smiling at us all.
"Isn't this nice, to have a family dinner like this!"

"No." I muttered

"Yeah mom, it is, it feels so long." Vernon stated.

"I'm sorry but it doesn't feel very family without dad. And by that i mean my real dad." I looked up with my harsh eyes at my step father and mom.

I was ashamed that Vernon forgot about dad. How could he accept our mothers divorce and new marriage.
I felt warmth on my hand under the table and i glanced to my right to see Jisung just looking forward.
I kept holding his hand until a waitress came to our table and i slipped out his grip.

"Are you guys ready to order?" A sweet voice asked us.

My step father nodded and he told the waitress what we wanted until we had all ordered.
"Thank you." My mother called after she left.

"So, Vernon. How long has it been since you moved back to Korea?" My mother asked him.

"Around 4 weeks now, maybe a bit longer."

"And do you prefer Korea to America ?" Our step dad asked him.

He nodded quickly.
"Definitely... also, i have a request to ask of you both."

I stopped listening and my eyes wondered around the room. I saw a handsome guy sitting with a young women. Suddenly the woman turned around and my eyes widened.
Why was Erica in every location i went to. She was like a curse.

She locked eyes with me and she looked at Jisung and smirked.
I saw her head turn back round to her current target and she said something to him.

I watched as she started to approach us.

"Vernon, can your request wait until we are eating, some business friend is calling us over, we won't be long."

Our parents walked off to a small table on the opposite side of the room.

"Woah. Fancy seeing all three of you guys here!"
Erica sat down where my mother was originally sitting and sighed.

She took a long look at Vernon and she gave me an innocent smile.
"So who is this Y/n?" She asked pointing at Vernon.
I'm positive she knows who he is and she is just messing with me.

"He is my brother."

"Brother! Wow, i didn't know you had a brother."

"Yeah, i'm Vernon." He stated.

She smiled.
"Vernon, don't you think Y/n and Jisung are such a cute couple!"
My eyes quickly widened and i looked to my brother and i saw his face was already angry.
"They will last so long i'm sure of it.." she kept making remarks to us and i wanted to make her shut up.

"Erica." Jisung boldly said making her stay silent.

Me and Vernon quickly looked to Jisung who was now standing up.

"Erica, whatever your playing at, stop it, i've had enough of you i really have. You know my situation and you just want to make me suffer."

✔︎ 𝙤𝙣𝙡𝙮 𝙖 𝙨𝙩𝙚𝙥~𝙗𝙧𝙤  || BOOK 1 ||𝙷𝚊𝚗 𝙹𝚒𝚜𝚞𝚗𝚐||Where stories live. Discover now